Part 5

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Amadi had been cross with me, and I with him. We'd been friends for far too long for us to hold grudges. So I readily accepted his offer of reconciliation, an outing at the market.

It was restored to its full glory after Namor's attack. The merchants offer many trinkets, gems, and clothing that I marvel at.

"You need to be careful."

This was our time, yet he was consumed by thoughts of Namor. "I am being careful. I know who the enemy is."

"The queen has her own interests at heart.—Sacrifice the one to save the many."

I had no false imagination that I was being used for the queen's agenda, but hearing it aloud makes it real.

"I appreciate your concern for me, but I know what I'm doing. I have everything under control."

"Do you? Namor knows about us."

Amadi was my first love and my first everything. No one couldn't possibly know that unless Amadi said something.

"Namor knows what exactly?"

"He visited the queen to ask about you."


"My father made me tell him everything."

Amadi was more than just a friend. I'd shared his bed often. And he'd petitioned my ma-ma for my hand in marriage.

We aren't a traditional family, so my ma-ma left it up to me. I hadn't accepted, but I hadn't declined either. I needed time to think about it.

"Well, he doesn't seem to care about anything you said about me."

"He warned me to stay away."

"And you show up when he's with me."

"You act like I knew he would be with you."

I hesitate, thinking about how this information could be beneficial to me.

"I don't think you should do as he asks."

"I had no plans to." He says, taking my hand in his.


I hate to potentially put him in danger. But Amadi's threat as a potential suitor will inspire Namor's jealous nature. Emotions can make one behave recklessly, and jealousy is a dangerous emotion.

Namor comes to see me often, and I've begun to look forward to his visits. On our walk through the scenic jungle that separates my homestead from the village, his body connects with mine occasionally.

It's a welcome contact that speeds my heartbeat and warms all right places. I should be ashamed.

"What's it like living under the water? Isn't it dark down there? How can you see?"

"My home is beautiful and full of light."

"How is that possible?"

"I wish I could show you."

"I wouldn't fit in."

"My people would love you."

"Why is that?"

"Because their king loves you."

"You cannot say things like that to me. You barely know me." I say, pausing our evening stroll.

"You keep saying that, and I keep having to remind you that I know enough, Oshun."

"And I know enough about you, Namor. You want me because I'm powerful. You want my gifts for your heirs. Am I right?"

"When I first saw you, I was captivated by your beautiful complexion, seductive eyes, and exotic hair."

"Was that all?"

"If you don't mind my being brash. Then yes, I find you to be extremely desirable."

Silently waiting for him to admit that he wants my gifts. I'm graced with a small smirk and quiet chuckle that's catching.

How can a laugh be so alluring? It pulls me in and makes me feel safe, loved, and... is that music?

No, it's a song. I can't catch the words, but it makes me feel euphoric. It's a nice song that makes me think of my ma-ma.

And the pain of her loss has me shaking my head to clear it of the fog. That's when I realize where the source of the song is coming from.

"Your song, it comes from within here," I state, gently touching his throat.

"And sometimes it comes from within here." He says, bringing my hand to rest upon his heart.

"Namor, I..."

"I come to you every day, and every day I find myself falling more and more in love with you. Accept me as your king, as I accept you as my queen."

Looking into his eyes, those brown depths produce an unnatural longing, a pain of needing to be loved to be held and cherished. It's a feeling of loneliness that pulls at my heart.

"I can feel you," I say, removing my hand from his heart.

Those were his emotions that I picked up on. "How is this possible?"

"How is anything possible?"

"I've never been able to do that before."

"Our union is awakening something within you. I felt it when I first met you. I want to learn with you. Will you allow me to experience that with you?"

His statement leaves me emotionally unbalanced. I can only nod my head in agreeance.

And for the first time, I realize that I may not be able to do as I originally so boldly declared to the queen and in vengeance for my ma-ma's death.—I can't hurt this man.

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