Chapter 1 • A new school!?

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A blue hedgehog that was now titled a "sophomore" was nervously walking to his new school, "Chemical high"  He didn't know if he was going to be able to make friends as he did at his old school. But he never let that overshine his confidence so he kept repeating to himself that he would and continue walking.




After 5 more minutes of walking, the blue hedgehog soon was right in front of the building. it looked really nice with the Brown and white walls it had and on the top, it had the school's name on top, the sides were covered with bushes and gardens and next to the school on the left side was the parking lot. The school was already in session so there were a bunch of cars in the lot, The azure hedgehog took a deep and shaky breath and then sighed while walking inside the building and all he could see, and hear were the loud noises of the people talking and on their phones while some were in their groups talking to their friends. This didn't make the blue hedgehog any more comfortable- in fact, it gave him more anxiety and he quickly rushed through the hallways, he may not know where he was going but it was better than in that hallway. But during this time, Luck was on his side and he soon skidded to a stop when he saw a door that read "Office". He raised his shaking fist and softly knocked on the door and after a couple of seconds he heard a "Come in!" and he opened the door and closed it after him while walking into the office.

While walking in the blue hedgehog looked around until his eyes landed on the principal which was a cat with yellow fur and a pink little star on their cheek with pink eyes and white fur on the end of their tail. The blue hedgehog soon sat down on the seat in front of the desk while giving the principal a nice and calm "Hello". The principal then smiled and said "Oh, hello it's nice to meet you! you can call me Mrs. Star and you must be the new student, right?" while putting a small- but calming smile on her face. The blue hedgehog nodded and continued talking.

"Yes I am, my name is Sonic the hedgehog I just got enrolled here the other day and was told to come here to get my uniform." The blue hedgehog, now known as Sonic said while fidgeting with his hands. "Oh! right we already have your uniform it's in the nurse's office, and before you go here's your schedule" The principal said while handing the paper to Sonic, Sonic grabbed it while standing up and walking towards the door but before he could grab the knob the principal said one more thing before waving goodbye. 

"Make sure to make some more friends so they can show you around the school! we didn't have enough time to get you someone" Sonic then sighed quietly while looking back to her and gave her a small smile while saying "Ok! thank you" he opened and closed the door and then sighed again while walking around the big school.

'Right, friends, I already miss my old school'

𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 ( sonadow )Where stories live. Discover now