Chapter 4 •The groups

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Woah.... you're actually reading this? well thanks, it increases my motivation to write more :)♡

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Sonic was sitting beside his new friend "Tails" during lunch time along with his whole friend group he just met like 8 minutes ago and was listening to Tails ramble on about the different types of groups in the school, surprisingly there were many types like Tails had said but that wasn't really what he wanted to hear at the moment- although it does help so he knows more just in case so he could give bonus points on those. Sonic was forcing himself to focus on what Tails was saying because he didn't want to seem rude and just doze off and also because he might need this information more in the future, when? Sonic doesn't know but somethings telling him that it's soon.

After sonic finally won the battle of getting to focus he immediately tried to catch in on the stuff his two-tailed friend was saying at the moment.

"- And then there's the drama group, they always start drama with people they don't like or did something to them- like spreading rumors or something like that. But then there's the group you want to know more about sonic" Tails said while glaring at Sonic in the corner of his eye which only made Sonic shrug not knowing what he did- he just wanted a question answered. "They're called the dark group, I don't know who came up with that name but it's pretty funny to me" Tails started to snicker along with some of the others and continued to talk. "But really, the baddest kids in this school are in their group" Sonic was growing more curious by the second. "What are their names?" sonic asked while tails answered for him. "The names are shadow, scourge, rouge, and sally. Shadow's the leader- probably the one who named that dumb group, Rouge is like Shadow's bestfriend or something I don't know, and Scourge is just one of shadows friends who is very bad so they let him join the group, and Sally...Sally is a drama queen but I don't even think she likes to be in that group anyways since she's barley seen in that group but I don't really care considering all the stuff they've done." Tails was mad now since he didn't really like talking about them but he had to unless he wanted to be bugged with questions about them so it's now or never, plus he didn't really mind telling sonic about them since he's new and also seems very nice to hangout with. "Not to get you madder or anything but....what did they exactly do?" sonic asked trying not to burst the little foxes temper but before he could answer Knuckles quickly jumped in and answered for him.

"Well, once they've started spreading rumors about very personal stuff just because we got them 'mad'. They had to show off, but the worst thing they did was they started spreading rumors about Amy-" right when Knuckles was about to answer Amy practically climbed over the table and covered his mouth while speaking for him. "Let's just say that they spread a rumor about me being slut because I would wear 'revealing' clothing and I so call 'sleep' with the teacher for good grades, but we all know that's not true because I would not do such a disgusting thing. right knuckles? " Amy then glared at knuckles as if she could kill him and knuckles just said a muffled "mhm" while nodding. Amy moved her hand away from Knuckles's mouth and sat back on her side of the table.

Sonic was pretty curious about that whole "sleeping with teachers" thing because of how quickly Amy was to answer for knuckles but even if he wanted to ask them he couldn't.


Everyone started to finish up their conversations and head off back to whatever they had next, which was what some of sonics friends were doing sadly, Sonic walked over to Amy and saw her waving goodbye to him and ran off leaving sonic clueless but also curious. But he paid no mind to it...for now, so instead, he walked over towards tails and knuckles and started to have a chit-chat conversation while walking down the hall to their next classes.

"So...what do you guys go next?" Knuckles asked while looking around the hallway while walking for some reason but then Tails answered "I have history, what about you sonic?" Sonic looked at his paper with a groan "Math...", sonic looked at his watch and saw that he was almost late for class again so he had to go.

"Well, I gotta go now don't wanna be late I'll see you guys later!" and sonic soon sped off leaving the two and heading towards his math class- which he actually knew where it was considering when he was trying to find the last class he passed by all his other classes as well. Sonic soon came across door 5S and lifted his hand up while opening the door trying to ignore the stares he will soon earn once he step foot inside.


wow....that was wild, but thx for reading <3

- Kylie / Author

-- - cliff hanger btw 🤷🏽‍♀️ -- -

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