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In the Hospital.
I blinked my eyes slowly with her head throbbing loudly. I vaguely see my mom lying on her dad's chest and her brother(Anthonio) deep in thoughts . I raise my hands to my head.
"Ma (Cecile) my head hurts" I said in pain. Cecile quickly stood up and rushed over to crystal on the bed.
"My baby.... you're awake, I was so worried I thought you would enter a coma".Cecile said with tears lingering in her eyes.
I raised my frail hands to touch that of mother's . "Ma enough with the negative thought I'm alright now".
"Eric (father), Stand up let's go and buy some fruits for crystal"Cecile said pulling Eric's arm." Okay okay I'm coming"Eric said while looking at me.
Anthonio and Crystal in the room
Anthonio walks over to crystal and sits on the side table.
"Antho-". Crystal I want to have a word with you". Anthonio said interrupting her. Crystal looks at anthonio with no facial expression.'Is he going to scold me on what happened'.she thought.
"I looked at the clock in the room .I was wondering why anthonio was taking so long to speak ........
"Anthonio raised his hands to touch that of crystal's. 'Crystal why have you chosen to hurt yourself?,Why do you have to be with Charles Mo?" Anthonio said with eyes full of guilt and sadness.

Anthonio what do you mean?"
"Crystal ,Please do me a favour". Anthonio says while looking at me straight in eye.
"What is it?" I said looking at him also"
" Please leave Charles Mo. Don't be his girlfriend, don't accept his proposal he's a jerk that wants you use"Anthonio says all in one breath.

MR. CREST, BE MY MUSE Where stories live. Discover now