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Sometimes I just cry over stupid things when I have to stay strong.


I woke up to see myself in my bedroom. I stood up from my bed and walked towards the door I tried to remember what happened yesterday but to no avail.
I called out for mother "Mom!"
"Oh baby you're awake....I was so worried"
" I'm okay now mom"
" Where's dad"I asked looking around.
" He's having a hard time at work so he went early"Mom said.

As soon as those words reached my ears I felt guilty and selfish cause the fate of my household lies in my decision. After rethinking everything I walked up to my mother and pulled her into a warm hug.
" Mom ...I agree with the arranged marriage".

Cecile released herself from the hug and looked deep into her daughters eyes. Her eyes were full of tears as she kissed her daughter and pulled her into her embrace .
At the Crest Coopration

"Good morning Mr Crest" Said my new secretary as we walked towards the Elevator.
"What's my schedule for today and tomorrow"
"Sir you have a meeting with the shareholders at 10AM and the supervision of the Science and Robotics Department By  1:00PM".
"For tomorrow's schedule you will have to supervise and inspect the design department and you have a meeting with the head of the design department as they are going to show you their designs for the upcoming 100th anniversary of the Crest Coopration Celebration.
"Okay" I said before walking out the elevator.

Today I literally did nothing I was just going through Instagram and watching TikTok. When my phone started buzzing. It was Annie. I didn't want to pick the call because I Know she would start shouting at me for missing our morning run.
I stood up from the couch and went to the library to read some novels. The library at The Lim Mansion is restocked with new books every week depending on the genres we all like. I'm in love with romance novels and manga so that's basically what I read apart from my work documents and any other thing I need to know. I am basically the biggest fan of romance and action. Like it's just my thing.
"Sir you have a phone call from  Old Master Crest". My secretary said as he waited patiently behind the glass door that was partially covered.

I gently stood up and walked towards the door .
The phone Call..
Old Master Crest- Come over to the palace Tonight.

Alan Crest- Okay, ...but why....

Old Master Crest- My Close Friend is coming with his family and I would want you to meet them. So make sure you come!

Alan Crest- ........

Author Note: I would be changing from first person to second and third person. I am very sorry if this is uncomfortable I promise to make the story better and if you have ideas you can suggest it and I will surely look at it and see if it can fit in the story .. THANK YOU 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

At the  Lim Mansion
Crystal so looked at herself in the mirror and then her smile turned to a frown.
"Mom does this dress make me look fat?"

"Of course not you look so pretty" Cecile said as she finished the last touch of her makeup.

Her makeup was natural which complemented her fair skin as the wore a dark blue slim and sleeveless gown.
while Crystal wore a satin black gown.
Anthonio walked down the stairs with Eric following him from behind."Hello ladies" said Anthonio as he kissed the cheek of crystal and Cecile.

After Everyone was done they made their way to the car. Anthonio drove Crystal because he wanted to talk with her while Eric and Cecile drove separately.

In Anthonio car
Crystal was worried and the same time happy that she was going to be able to solve her family's problem but overtime she has heard a lot of things about stinkily rich families and mistresses . She didn't want to be a mistress she always dreamed of having a sweet husband who would be there for her and kiss her tears when she cries but right now it can never happen cause she is marrying someone she doesn't know. How sad she thought.
Anthonio moved his hand and touched crystal's hands ." Crystal believe when I say it but if this marriage doesn't work out trust me I'll carry you out of it. If he doesn't treat you well I'll put him in jail and if he mistreats you I'll kill him. I can't bear to see my crystal cry so if anything is wrong just tell me okay?. Anthonio hugged crystal and Her eyer started getting teary .

" Anthonio why are your words so touching" she said as she blinked her eyes a few times."Thank you Anthonio" she said while pecking his cheek and he laughed.

Anthonio started the car and zoomed off to the CREST ANCESTRAL PALACE.

Alan slammed his fist hard on the table."what the -!!"
"How could you do this old man!" Alan roared
Old Master Crest looked at Alan and smiled ." Don't worry you two will get along well" he said as he walked away .

Alan was annoyed and angry he didn't want some disgusting bitch to come and marry him or to clung to his body. He couldn't believe that his old man made this decision without even considering the type of women he likes and besides he knew he was a workaholic. Which woman would want a husband that loves his work more than her. Although this sounded childish he was going to break this marriage by not giving the girl any attention at all.

  We arrived at the CREST ANCESTRAL PALACE and I was in awe like it was as if I was in heaven... goodness. Although I was distracted by the beauty of the palace that churning feeling in my stomach couldn't be ignored. I silently prayed I won't fart because when I'm nervous I always fart . What every beautiful girl has a flaw.

I walked with my parents and the butler down the hallway. My heart was racing when I saw the famous Old Master Crest but all of a sudden it stopped as my eyes met a pair of blue ocean eyes... 



MR. CREST, BE MY MUSE Where stories live. Discover now