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Crystal's POV
"I understood where Anthonio was going about me leaving Charles but I don't want to do it just yet. I want Charles to feel the pain of losing two at once I plan to ruin him but that also means I have to get married before his proposal. "
Mom and dad enter the room with a bag of fruits and immediately my mood brightens
Fruits!. I shout excitedly forgetting what had just happened between me and anthonio.

Anthonio turns his head and gives my Mum a cute smile as her face looks like she suspected the serious atmosphere in the room.
Mother took the fruit on by one and started peeling it into bunny shapes.
"Mom I'm not a child anymore!"  Looking down in embarrassment at the bunny looking fruits .
A gasp escapes from my mom's mouth and this is when she starts.
"Eric our daughter doesn't love me"  my mom says with her crocodile tears . "She doesn't love me!!"
My dad came closer to me and playfully scolds me and laughter resides in the room.
Anthonio stood up and took the plate and started feeding me with a fork. This is the life of no work.
After Mom, dad and Anthonio had gone I decided to take a stroll around the hospital and find out what happened to me.
I wandered around the hospital till I got. To the surgery department.
I saw a man not just any man a tall elegant man with dark icy eyes his hair swept back and like a little at one side of his face. Although he looked nice but he also looks Broken . I watch him as he sits on the chair and his hands on his face.
"Miss Lans"
That voice jolted me out of my reverie
"Yes" I said smiling at her."it time for your medicine"
I'm sure that man must be wondering how long I was here and why and this thought made me embarrassed as I brought my hands to cover my face and while peeking I followed the nurse promising to never stare so long at someone again.
In the ward
I walked towards the side table and switched on my phone and suddenly many messages and missed calls notification came in .some from Grandpa,Old school mates ,my best friend (Annie) and f I'm th scumbag Charles.I decided to call Annie.
As soon as I call her she immediately answers her phone
"My baby!" Annie screams and if not for God my ears would've been gone.
'What happened,I hope you're okay"Annie says in a worried tone.
" I'm okay Ann ."
There was silence for like two seconds before I spoke
"Ann I don't know what happened to me"
Seriously Annie said in surprise.
"Even my parents are reluctant to tell me"
"What about anthonio"Annie says.
"He's  mouth is still shut "
"Okay crystal take a rest I will come and visit you tomorrow okay bye I love you"Annie says before hanging up the phone.
I walked to the window and my mind started to drift to that guy.

Who is he and why does he look do broken. Maybe he lost a family member?
All this questions are building my curiosity.
"Wait why am I thinking about him"  I say to myself  out loud and slap myself to get rid of my thoughts.To avoid this random thoughts I went to the bed layed down and slept cause I was already feeling sleepy.

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