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I was looking through some papers when someone just walked into my office without knocking.I was ready to shout at whoever it was but when I raised my head it was just Liam..... my friend.
"Sup Alan" Liam said in his bubbly nature.
But me being me, I ignored him and continued looking at the document.
.... .
"Alan how is Grandpa?" Liam says in a caring tone and that's what I like about him he can be playful but also serious in what he does.
"He is okay but he doesn't want to rest so I put him on house arrest for his good." I say in a joking manner and my mind drifts off to that girl and a smirk is on my face.
"Alan Alan!" Liam shouts in amusement."What is making you so happy, did you find love?!" Liam says while laughing and I just realized I was smirking.
In The Hospital
I just finished dressing when I heard a knock on the door. I'm sure it's Ann
"Coming!" I shout as I hurriedly wore my flip flop and ran to the door.
As I saw Ann I hugged her tight and she started laughing. I welcomed her into the room and she sat on the bed with a bag of food inside I rush to her side.
"Ann is it for me!." I point at the food in excitement.
"No it's not for you". Annie said with a smile and I pouted my lips like a spoiled child and Ann Burst in laughter. After laughing she pinched my cheeks and gave me the food I was so happy cause it was my favorite.Ramen Noodles.
As Ann and I were talking a knock was heard from the door and Annie stood up to answer it she looked from the hole and saw Charles then ran to me asked wether she let him in and I said yes.And Ann knows what's happening with us.
    Ann Opens the door for Charles and gives him a fake smile and waved at him. Charles reciprocated the smile and entered the room .
"Crystal how are you I was worried?" Charles said while touching my hand .
"I'm fine."Pulling my hand away from his.
Silence reighned in the room and gosh it was killing me!

"Crystal I'm sorry please forgive me" Charles said with those his bastard eyes. I felt like plucking them off his not-so-good face.
I stood up from the bed and went to the couch so that the alcoholic smell on his clothes won't make me puke. It was very obvious that his stinky a** was at the bar.
"Charles...."  you think I don't know what you did" I said with tears lingering in my eyes." You want some pretty b***h right"." Can't you just wait"........ I hate you and I will make sure your stinky rod won't fuck any body again because no girl will want you!"

Charles rose up looking angry like a bull he was coming near me and I was moving back until my back tomorrow touched the wall . My eyes scanned everywhere for Annie but it seems she had gone.

" Crystal I have fucked many girls and wether you like it or not you're gonna be added to my list once you're married to me". I spat on his face and kicked him where it hurts I screamed so loud and some security came in with Annie and they took Charles away.

I rushed and hugged Annie I told  Ann all that happened."He won't Marry me"


I just got discharged from the hospital and as I was walking to the car with my family my mind drifted back to the guy with the ocean blue eyes and my heart fluttered but..... I wasn't sure if I would see him again.This world isn't so small....
But since I'm now discharged I can go back to work.

The well - known CREST COOPRATION commonly known as  CC .
Raymond Crest also known as the father of art/designs and business built the CREST COOPRATION from scratch and passed it on to his son but unfortunately his son died but no one knows how and now his grandson Alan Crest is ruling the CREST COOPRATION and now it is known as one of the most prestigious company in the world.

I was just about to go when my mom came rushing to me.
"Crystal you were just discharged from the hospital and still recovering why do you still want to go to work". My mom said with all the worry in the world.

"Mom don't worry I won't stay long and besides I'm stronger now like what the doctor said so relax  okay..". I said while hugging my mother.
Bye I said waving at her she smiled and shouted don't come back late then I laughed.I entered my car and zoomed off to my work place.

I work at CREST COOPRATION but in design. From what I've heard the CEO hasn't come to the Office for so long and nobody has seen his face in our department .But I pray he doesn't come because I've heard stories that he fired his employee for making a mistake.

I walked into my department and the first person that noticed me was Ann.

"Crystal!!" Ann shouted my name and ran to hug which caught the attention of my colleagues and they all welcomed me back.

I walked to my work space and slouched by butt on my chair I turned on my computer and was completing my unfinished files when I was done it was already late and I had overstayed once again by mistake my mind went back to the promise I made to mom... She must have been worried.

I stood up and packed my stuff and as I was walking to the elevator I heard two people talking and they were males . I was curious to know what they were saying and I peeked while hiding myself behind the wall and saw the guy with the ocean blue eyes my jaw dropped because he looked so.. so.. charming. I looked at the other guy and saw his silver eye. Gosh were did these people get such wonderful eyes from.
      As I was gawking at the two men my phone vibrated.
  "Fuck" I cursed as I slowly tiptoed out of there but as I was about to go down the stairs cause using the elevator won't be smart.
"Stop right there". As I heard those words my body froze and I didn't know what will happen next.....


LAZZIXX(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤(☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞⭐


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