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I walked with my parents and the butler down the hallway. My heart was racing when I saw the famous Old Master Crest but all of a sudden it stopped as my eyes met a pair of blue ocean eyes... 

Crystal POV
What the fuck?!, Why was he here ?
Wait does he recognize me. These thoughts kept on troubling me , but nah maybe he's the drives son or the gardener or Old Master Crest personal assistant.

"Crystal let's go inside" . Anthonio said while tugging my hands softly.which jerked my off my reverie.

I'm not doing this marriage for grandpa. Okay maybe a little but I actually did it cause I wanted to try and see wether all marriages will be like my dead parents. I can never sacrifice myself for others  never!.......,......but that girl...
Yeah I know she beat me badly but...but there's something about her.. her gold orbs .......

At the dining room

   "Old Master Crest we are very honored to come to your place" Eric said aka my dad said while smiling.
    "It's nothing much Lans , besides we are coming here for a very important matter right". Old Master Crest said smiling like a mother whose daughter is getting married.
    "Yes a very important matter" Cecile said.
    Old Master Crest started talking about financial issues with my parents while I tried very hard not to stare at the ocean blue eyed guy.  But that didn't seem to be the case for him cause he was staring at me causing me to look down until Old Master Crest diverted his attention to us.

    "Okay I hope you guys know about the marriage but does anyone has an objection".
I couldn't dare to say no and besides I've talked it out with my parents and family it will be so dumb and childish if I say no so I shook my head before answering a slight no.
     While the Ocean blue eyed guy smirked before saying no.
   "Okay okay I'm so happy but you guys will be engaged and living under the same roof so that you're bond will get stronger is that okay?"
         I pressed my lips before answering him and why did I have to live in the same house with this exclusively handsome guy ocean   "Yes Old Master Crest" .

"Aiya daughter you don't have to call me that just call me grandpa"

"Yes grandpa"

" You guys should go and get to know yourselves alright?" Said Eric as he tapped my mom for support. " Yeah get to know yourselves a bit" Cecile said answering the 'call of her husband'😒

Like seriously I had to face this man ..... again.


I walked silently in other garden while the man tailed  behind me I was praying for him not to start a conversation cause I'm not necessarily feeling it right now but.....

"Your not the talking type huh" the man said with a light chuckle following it .

Oh God kill me right now cause is it t just me or was that chuckle so sexy even better than my Jimin oh God!!!!

"I'm a talkative but not necessarily to you" I said feeling like A BOSS.

" Fiesty I see, I like it" the guy said.

" The names Alan"he said." I'm crystal" I said looking at the water fountain in the garden.

  Looks like my fiancee has different personalities because when she's crying she looks so vulnerable but now... now I can't even explain it.
   "So since you'll be moving in with I'll come pick you up at seven". Alan said.

     "Why so early I need to have my beauty rest do yo want your wife having wrinkles". I said pouting.

      "Looks like someone is eager to become my wife". Alan said with his potato grin.
    "You wish...and besides even if you come at seven I'll be bathing or doing simple chores".

    "Well if bathing I could join you".

    "Perverted asshole"  I said walking back into the palace I didn't want to be with this man again he handsome and sexy but drives me angry....ughhhhhh.

The Next day

Buzz buzz buzz buzz
"Ahhhh" bam
This is just a morning and now it's getting annoying

I stood up with the aid of my bed while rubbing my but. Goodness that hurt.
I went to the table to check who was calling me and I saw 'private number'.

gosh who on earth could this be

"Who is this"
As I was looking for my slippers with the phone in my hand when I heard those dark sexy voice.

   "Not even a good morning" Alan said on the phone.
Out of excitement I ended the call to calm my self down cause I have this weird obsession with abs, Deep voices,and guys with slightly long hair with some tied to back and a little dropping on their faces and it just happens that Alan has two of my obsessions.....wait ...what if he has ABS!!!!.
As I was fawning over Alan imaginary abs realization hit me and I quickly checked the time. "Oh shoot I'm not ready and it's seven thirty".
(Oh I forgot to say . Crystal moved into her own apartment that is close to her work place)

        I rushed to the elevator before it could close .
"Ughh" I said.

I checked my handbag if I carried my snacks and glory be to God I did."yess!"

"What a beautiful young lady. Do I have the permission to say hello to her"

What now !

" Oh . Sure " I said with a light chuckle of it was fake I don't like some annoying play boy talking to me.

" My name is Kevin. Kevin Celair"

" My name is Emily " I know I lied but I don't want him to know my name besides I wasn't completely lying that's the name my grandma gave me before she passed on leaving me with my grandpa and my parents.

" Nice to meet you Emi"

No never again should that bastard call me Emi it send stupid and disgusting shivers down my spine.

"Yeah you too". "Um I gotta go talk to you later"

Or never(^^)

Alan leaned towards me while driving" What took you so long my stomach was crying for food".

"Oh  sorry it was just some .... Problems ". I said while playing with the diamond on my dark blue short gown.

Alan looked at me in surprise." Wow looks like someone woke up at the right side of the bed than yesterday "

" Hey yesterday was tough okay! ". I said rolling my eyes. " Besides where are we going? ".

  "We're going for breakfast at a new Spanish restaurant" he said while trying to speed the car up".

   " Wait !, is it that new one that sells that delicious shrimps". I said with my mouth drooling.
  "Yeah you're delicious"

"What did you say". I said while trying to wipe the drool on my mouth I knew I wasn't listening very well cause I was distracted but If I think about it more I might recall what he said but that's just hard work ".

" Nothing ".


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