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Today I was going to visit Charles in prison. Not that I cared about him he's always asking to meet me and it's annoying waking up and the prison saying someone calls for yo so I just decided to meet him.
   "Ma'am please follow me"  The police officer said with a hand gesture.

I followed the police with mixed feelings in my stomach. Was Charles feeling remorse? If he was would I forgive him?
All sorts of questions ran through my brain making me nervous.
Finally we reached the area and I saw Charles....

I reached for the chair in a graceful aura. "You said you wanted to see me"

"Yes I wanted to say sorry for everything stal " Charles said.

My world shook I didn't know what to reply. Wether I can trust him again to get another betrayal to let my trust down again can't allow that to happen....never.

"Charles Mo do you think I believe you like seriously think about it" I said looking at his eyes to see a hint of remorse but.. there was none.

" You gotta believe me Crystal" he said with pleading eyes.

" No Charles....not again". I said grabbing my bag when his mask finally came off (idiom)

"You think your safe and perfect and pretty well your not I can have all the girls on my bed if I want to and your stupid obsession for a crystal that just being stupid I'm coming for you Crystal Lans watch your back I'll stab you right there..

I was...was scared and angry every time I try to put on this menacing aura but it's not me I felt scared and fear lingered around me as I made my way to the exit of the prison and waved for a taxi and it stopped I entered inside and thought to call Alan cause I left him really quickly.

On the call

Alan: Finally you remembered me I thought I was forgotten

Crystal: Sorry I had some work to do

Alan:What could take my babe's attention from me........


I relaxed on the car seat when I heard the car screeching noise and bang! everywhere went dark.

On the call
Alan : Crystal.. Crystal!!.. I'm coming just stay there.


Beep....beep.... beep.... beep

Ugh my head hurts so bad and I'm guessing I'm at the hospital.... again. I turned my head and saw a wonderful scene. Alan was sleeping and our fingers were interwined. He  was so powerful that he could take all my worries away with just his face while sleeping I watched him for sometime before standing up to get some water.
I almost fell cause I was weak and when I finally reached the table my hand was to wake to carry the glass and it fell waking Alan up.

" Babe!" Alan said rushing to me." You aren't supposed to leave your bed"

I pouted my lips." But I'm real-" "ah"

Alan carried me to the couch and brought a first aid kit he was treating me so gently and it gave me a fuzzy feeling.but then my mind started recalling my conversation and I decided to tell Alan.



"Will you be able to protect me will you always be by my side" I said I know that was selfish but... But I needed him the most.

"I'm always gonna be there babe and I promise I'll always protect you and be by your side" He said and kissed my forehead.

Then I started narrating everything that happened and how I was scared of dying as I was saying all these I cried heavily and Alan drew me closer to him and leaned my head on his chest. He caressed my back while say soothing words to calm me down .

"Crystal as long as I live I'll protect you with my heart....I love you."

My heart fluttered but not for long as this lady fell asleep.

Alan's POV
   I know everything about my babe with the blink of an eye . The way she left me very quickly for breakfast hurt tho but I knew she wanted to go to Charles but why?. I knew Charles was a threat to her but why did she go see him.
Girls are so complicated.

I was very happy that babe called but that happiness broke when I hear the loud bang and screeching noise. I... I .... Nothing was in my brain but Crystal. I left everything to go meet my sunshine but when I came I saw my baby on the hospital bed looking so... So... Vulnerable and I that time I swore to protect the sunshine of my life.

  I was a little bit surprised by what my sunshine told me. That Charles didn't know who he was dealing with he dared to threaten my sunshine my amour .....

"Liam get me all the information about Charles Mo" Alan said while hanging up. He turned and saw his forever and kissed her cheek. Alan stood up to make dinner because obviously it was a VVVIP hospital room with a kitchen, bathroom, Two bedrooms , A verenda with a nice view and a dinning table.

" What's that great smell" I said coming down the stairs with the aid of the rails

"Food what else" Alan said while chopping some spring onions

But ...wait is it just me or does he look handsome...this guy gotta stop seducing me or I might do what I don't wanna do

"Done eye raping me I know I'm very handsome and sexy but don't make it too obvious" he said with a grin.

"Narcissistic much".

"Food is ready!" I shouted in excitement and sat on the Chair beside the kitchen counter.

"Go and sit at the dining table"

"No it's stressful" I said with my signature pout

" I'll carry you then"

" Um no don't worry I'll go" I said scurrying to the dinning with his sexy laughter filling my ears.


"General your sister has been involved in an accident and is now resting at the hospital under the care of CEO Alan Crest" Lieutenant Seidy said to Anthonio.

    That man I don't like him and why don't trust him with my sister since my sister met him trouble always come. And now he's taking my spot as the closest to my sister mhm he's got some nerve.




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