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Beep beep beep

It's 6 am!

"Ugh. " A lazy hand moved, rather shoved the alarm off the table.

It took awhile for the morning zombie to realize why the screaming mechanical monstrosity hasn't stopped beeping.

"Why do I still use damned alarm clocks! Stupid fucking piece of junk. "

He got off the bed and picked up the alarm, made sure he turned it off and slammed it back onto his nightstand.

"I'll get rid of that someday. But not today"

"So today we are about to embark on a new journey. Today we..."

Today was a Monday.

That means work. Which means hungover students in his class. Which means more snoring and long useless lectures than actual lessons.

Which is basically the entire week.

Why did he become an English teacher again?

She wanted to be one, not him...

Shaking his head out if his thoughts, Eric continued his usual lectures on Old English.

He noticed a student covering their eyes with a pair of shades and snoring into oblivion.

Come on! Shakespeare isn't that bad! He just tells tragic tales wherein the lovers die.




"Wow, ummm, but could you chill dude? There's no need to GET that mad about your favourite characters die."

"Ya prof, if you feel bad just about Romeo or Caesar and that Mac...whatever his name is die...you should check out GOT." Eric turned his head to see another loafer comment and add on.

"Oh my! James is ab-so-lutely right! Game of thrones is like a spinning death toll. Your favourite guy can die like...anytime! This shit is nothing compared to that."

Sure....just remember 'this shit' is in your portion. One strike and your out.

Soon the whole class was talking about what their idea of a tragedy is.

I stand corrected. There are worse things...

Like these pests who won't shut the hell up! Now their papers are definitely going to be a tragedy I have to check.

Eric just sighed and decided to join in.

There was nothing he could do when it's just going to be him against all the 36 students...might as well listen to their gossip and reminisce

....or plan a paper exactly the way they hate it as payback for interrupting class.

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