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Eric grunted as he stood infront of the wooden door.

"Where are the damn keys?" He muttered to himself as he kept digging through his pockets.

He was so absorbed in getting the metal he needed to enter his abode that he almost didn't hear a whisper.

"...excuse me?"

Ok...he didnt hear it.

"Umm sir....? Excuse me."

Eric almost jumped as he felt someone touch him. Almost.

He whipped his head around and started to chide the intruder.

Instead, he stopped as he faced a pair of enchanting emarald eyes.

Shit. Breathe. Damn exercise making me forget my sense of speech...and making me forget how to breathe. Yes that's it. All this jogging has exhausted me.

While Eric was busying trying to get himself to breathe and speak, the person just blinked with confusion. "Umm..."

"...yes? What is it?" He replied curtly.

She flinched at the tone but spoke, "I-i am Olivia. I just moved in here. I...god, this is embarrassing but you see, I don't know anyone in this neighbourhood and well, since you stay right next to my place."

"....so...?" By then Eric finally got the key out and unlocked the door. He looked at her before continuing, "would you like to come in?"

"Oh no...I just came here to ask for some help."

"The key got jammed? Or something with the water pipes?" Eric mused out loud. He stopped short as he realized that it was audible for his guest, who was now looking at him with wide eyes.

"How, how did you know?"

"What? About the key or the pipes?"

"...Both. You see, I came home and tried to open the door with the key, but it wouldn't budge! I kept trying, and then decided to take the key out. But imagine the horror when the key just wouldn't budge. And well, I didn't anyone here....and there was a leak in my house, I tried fixing the pipes myself, but it didn't work out, I didn't know who to call or what to do..."

"I see. And you think I could help you when you saw me like this outside my house?"

She flinched with his remark. "I-i wasn't sure what to do...and Well, how do I put it? Seeing you like that outside, you looked strong...so I figured maybe you'd know how to handle all this."

"I do." A pause. "But you assumed all that just by seeing me all....OH I don't know, sweaty and impatient?" Way to go Eric. You have made her feel unwelcome with your wonderful enthusiasm. Now she'll regret even coming to you.

Her eyes grew wide, "Yes, you must have been working out or something, I mean look at you! I can see through your shirt and see those well toned body of yo-ur-s." Her voice slowly grew into a whisper.

Eric stopped walking around looked at her face. Did she just say what I heard she said?

"Ok...this is getting awkward. Like I said it's an embarrassing incident but I still need help. I cant get in my house you know." She said, standing up and going towards the door. "Any response right now would be nice."


"Anytime now would be nice."

A nod. "Alright. Lead the way Miss Olivia."

"Wow so formal!" She jumped with delight. "I'm soo glad you've agreed! God you had me worried, I thought I'll have to walk around the entire neighbourhood searching for someone else to me...wait. I never caught your name."

"That's because I never told you."

A scowl was her response. Upon reaching the door of her house, Eric banged the door, while holding onto the handle, and slowly pushed it open.

"There you go!"

"Wha-how...how did you know-"

"Ah it's elementary my dear Olivia!"

He felt someone jab his side. "Hey! I just did you a favour you know!"

"I'm not your dear anyone or anything!?" She looked red in the face...and it took him awhile to figure it out.

"Hehe...I was making a reference...I didn't exactly mean whatever you thought I did..." He muttered.

"Wha-" her face brightened as she got it, "you were making a Holmes reference! Oh my God! Elementary! Jeez, how did I not notice! Sorry about that old chap, I tend to be a bit of a knucklehead at times." She said the last line with a posh British accent. "Oh and thank you. Would you fancy a cup of tea?" She continued to drawl.

"...I doubt Mrs Hudson would use the word knucklehead...nor anyone in Baker Street. "

Olivia pouted in response. "Hey! I was talking as me! "

"You're not British."

"Well, you're....OH great. Fine! Do whatever you want!" How Eric wanted to laugh. He was enjoying himself quite a lot...it was nice.

"Though tea sounds nice."

"Tea?" She smacked her head as she realized that he was talking about her offer earlier. "That was....you know what. No. No tea for you! Not unless you tell me your name!"

Eric couldn't control it now. He burst into laughter, his arms clutching his sides and he kept laughing.

"What's so funny?"

Eric spoke, "well it's just you barely know me, yet you came into my house, got my help, did a horrible Brit accent, offered me tea, I'm in your house and now you decide to deny me tea because you didn't bother to know my name." He's was smirking as he finished.

Olivia clenched her fists. "I asked you earlier! But I was desperate for help!"

"Tut tut tut! Desperate for help! My my! The house was going fall down wasn't it!"

"Hey! You're mean, you know that?"

"And you're a kid."

"Oh come on! Who are you?" She pleaded, looking at him straight with her eyes..."Tell. Me. Your. Name. Now!"

"And if I don't?" Eric said, smirking as he saw her fume.

"I'll, I'll....you know what? Don't give me a name, I'll call you whatever I want."

"Fine by me."

"Ok. Mal èeve Dummkfop."

"I'm honoured. You think one language isn't enough, but you decided to come with a full name of two different languages."

Olivia huffed and walked away, pointing towards the leaking the pipes and gave him the toolkit. "Nonsense Mal èeve, I'm willing to bet your last name is actually Dummkfop!"

"Really now?"

"Yes, but I'm not going to put a wager on it yet."

Hmmm... Mal èeve Dummkfop. Funny, where did I hear that before?

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