7. Noah

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Is it right of me to send Mary to Erica's for a sleepover when I want to go out? She is grounded also but I need time for me to right? Does that make me selfish to put her second? I want to go out with Joshua badly but I feel horrible for leaving Mary. I've never done this before and hadn't been out since the night my parents died. I didn't want anything bad to happen and I didn't want to open myself up to get hurt again so I worked and took care of Mary, the only thing that mattered until I met Joshua.

We talk on the phone every other day but we text a lot. My phone battery has died a few times in four days than it ever has so it's getting used a lot. I don't mind it, I love talking to him, he makes me smile. He makes me happy and we aren't even a couple yet, just getting to know one another. He is not who I thought he was when I first met him, he's a sweetheart, to me and Mary at least. I don't know what he does for work, just that he's in business.

"Noah? I'm ready to go." Mary knocked on my door and I turned around to see her with her bag on her shoulder and dressed for Alaska it seems.

"Are you feeling alright? It's not that cold out to be wearing all of that." She had on her thick winter coat, her fleece hat that had fur around the edge, gloves that match and sweatpants with her boots.

"I'm fine, Erica's dad is taking us on the ferry for a Christmas party for teens and you know it's cold near the water so I wanted to be warm. We better go before it gets any later, it's already close to five." She walked out into the living room while I put my coat on and hat, grabbed my stuff and we left the apartment.

"Now you are to go nowhere except Erica's and any place her parents take you. Please listen to them and be good." I said and she nodded.

"I will, I promise. I want you to have fun tonight so I won't do anything to ruin it." When I told her I had a date with Joshua, she was more excited than I was which is saying a lot because I was extremely excited about the date. I have no idea what he has planned, just to be ready to go by six-thirty and that someone will be at my place to pick me up.

"I hope I do have a good night, it's been a long time since I've been happy and so far, Joshua makes me happy." We talked as we walked the few blocks to Erica's house and when Mary was inside, I went back home and took a shower and found an outfit for tonight.

I got out a pair of dark blue jeans, a red sweater with a white button up dress shirt underneath, I made sure the collar was out over the neck and rolled up the sleeves of the sweater and dress shirt and fixed my hair which is easy since my hair actually does what I need it to do. I put on my black boots and sprayed cologne on, put on a gold necklace and put in my diamond stud in my ear. It felt nice dressing up for a date, one I hope will be amazing. It was close to the time for me to leave so I grabbed my tan coat and gloves to match and my phone, keys, and wallet before locking my door and walking down the stairs to where I saw a red SUV waiting on me with a man in a black suit standing by the back passenger door.

"Hello Mr. Porter, I'm David, I will be your driver this evening. Mr. Bexley has tasked me to take you to his location so please, enter the vehicle and we will be on our way." He opened the door so I got in and a minute later he was driving us to Joshua.

"Do you have any idea what the plan is tonight David?" I asked and he chuckled lightly.

"No sir, I was just instructed to bring you to Mr. Bexley, any plans he has made he has not told me. If I did know, I wouldn't tell you because that would ruin the surprise and I don't want to make him mad." He said with a bit of fear in his voice and that had me on alert.

"Do I need to worry about my safety being with him? Is he violent? I have a younger sister to worry about and myself." I was worried, if Joshua's driver gets scared like this just from worrying about saying something about tonight then i don't want to find out how he gets if I say the wrong thing or Mary.

"You have nothing to worry about Mr. Porter, you are the next lover he's taken an interest in and he won't hurt his lovers."

"The next lover? How many has he had? Is there more than just me right now in his life?" I don't want a player or a man whore who only sleeps with someone and moves on.

"I don't want to get fired if he finds out I told you anything. I need my job, it's the only income my family has. My wife passed away a few years ago so it's just my children and I and they aren't of age to work so I can't lose my job."

"Whatever you tell me, it will stay between us." I said and he sighed, looked at me through the mirror for a few seconds before focusing back onto the road.

"If you really want to know I'll tell you." He said and I nodded, needing to know who I'm truly going out with tonight.

"I have known Mr. Bexley for almost five years now and I have seen him take a lover home at least four times a week. At times he would have none for a couple of months but then would have a new one a few times a week, I lost count on how many men and women I have driven home after he would tell them to leave. He does what he's doing with you, he gets to know someone while sleeping with others, takes that person out, sleeps with them after a couple of dates and that person becomes a regular one he sleeps with, with no emotional attachment. Now that doesn't mean he doesn't want things to be different with you because I honestly haven't seen him this relaxed when planning a date and wanting it to be perfect since I met him. I think he wants to try with you so give it a chance, if after the second date he wants to take you back to his place for a night cap, at around nine, tells you he will have me take you home in the morning, than you will know his goal is to sleep with you that night. If he doesn't, well that's good news because that means he wants to actually date you and see what happens. He has had one serious relationship in his life but he got too caught up in his work that the relationship died out. He has a lot of rough edges and a lot of walls around his heart and a lot of layers, so just be patient. He is a good man, he just needs help in seeing that at times." After he was done, I sat there thinking of what he said. I truly hope I'm not just another person he wants to sleep with and be done with me. I have feelings for Joshua and I don't want to get hurt again.

"I don't want to get hurt or to be led on, I want love. If I'm setting myself up for heartbreak I'll be crushed. I like Joshua, so much. He makes me happy and I know we just met recently and are just getting to know one another but I feel connected to him, like he's meant to be mine and if he has anyone else he's seeing now, I'll put an end to it and claim him as mine as soon as I can because I don't want to lose him."

"You are the first person to ever say that about him, thank you for not judging him by his past and seeing the good in him." I smiled at that. I do see good in Joshua, I have since I first saw his sad eyes when he looked at me in the hospital.

"A person's past is what makes them who they are now. I know he's a good man, he's a hard working man and he has a good heart. If I didn't trust him, he wouldn't have ever been in my home or around my sister. I wouldn't have kissed him or accepted his request for this date. I won't let him go without a fight." I said and he smiled and pulled into a busy parking lot. I looked out the window and gasped at what I saw. He stopped the SUV and my door opened. I looked and saw my handsome date standing there with a single rose and held his hand out for me.

"Have a wonderful time tonight Mr. Porter. I will see you again." David said when I got out and I smiled and Joshua shut the door. I took a good look at the man in front of me and he was dressed similar to me, only his sweater was blue with a white button up dress shirt underneath his sweater and tan dress pants with a black coat and black gloves. His smile was so bright and wide I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"You look handsome." He said and kissed my cheek softly and I felt my heart flutter.

"So do you. It's good to see you again. How have you been?" I asked and he handed me the rose and I smelt it and looked into his eyes and kissed the corner of his mouth, making him freeze and he didn't even blink until I backed up just an inch.

"It's good to see you again as well. I've been alright, busy with work. You?"

"Pretty much the same and taking care of Mary. So what are we doing this evening?" I took his hand in mine and held it as we walked down the busy street.

"That my dear Noah, is right around the corner." He smiled and we turned the corner a few seconds later and I almost jumped up and down. I was so excited.

This date is going to be amazing!!

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