9. Noah

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The roses Noah gets ^^ top!

"So, how was your date?" Are the first words I heard from Michael when I walked up to the nurses station at work and he was looking at a file.

"It was magical. Oh Michael, I think I'm in love." I admit and he looked at me and had a huge smile on his face.

"Oh that's wonderful! I'm happy for you Noah, you deserve it. So he's been treating you well?"

"Yes, he's been absolutely perfect. After we walked the winter wonderland, we took a horse and carriage ride and it started to snow, it was a wonderful date. He promised he would see me again and we shared a sweet kiss good night before he left after he drove me home. I told him what I wanted out of our relationship or time together and that I wanted something with him. At the time he told me let's take it one date at a time but when he was driving me home, he also told me he wants to see what happens with us so that's where we are. I think it'll turn into my great love story Michael, one I have been dreaming of for so long. I don't know what it is about him but I can't see my life without him in it."

"Sounds a lot like true love Noah. The purest love of all and it happens quickly and without realizing it. You have the look of someone who has found true love and I know in my heart that you and Joshua are meant to be." I had thought the same thing that Joshua is my true love, I think I fell in love the moment our eyes connected and have been falling deeper and deeper ever since.

"Yes I think you're right. I'm going to do my rounds. I'll see you later doc." I grabbed the tablet and went to check on my patients and after I made sure they all had what they needed or wanted, I checked my phone and saw I had five texts from Joshua and chuckled.

"Hey Noah, I just got to work and it's already boring. I'd rather be with you. How's your day going?"

"Noah, please rescue me, I'm in a meeting with someone who talks like they guy in those eye drop commercials, I'm losing my mind! 🤪."

"Thanks for the rescue, I truly appreciate it 🙄. It's over now thankfully, idk how someone can be so dull, even I have more personality than that guy!"

"I want to see you this evening, may I bring dinner over?"

"Ok I'm on lunch, if you have a minute I'd love to hear back from you. I hope you're having a wonderful day Noah ❤️."

"Hey Joshua, sorry I was doing my rounds and helping the patients with things, my day is going alright, thinking about you, our date and want to see you as well so yes, bring dinner tonight. Mary won't be home so it'll just be us two. I'm happy to see you survived the boring meeting. You're going to have to tell me what exactly it is you do for work one of these days. I'd like to see your office ❤️." I sent it and sat back in my chair and a few seconds later my phone vibrated.

"Oh you are alive, it's a miracle lol. I'll bring Italian since you said you had not had it in a while and a bottle of wine, don't worry, I'm not doing my '2nd date move' one because it's your place and two, I don't want to do that with you, I want us to be on the same page before we end up in bed together. See you tonight my sweet Noah 😘🥰."

"See you tonight my sweet Joshua 🥰😘." I smiled and shook my head, he's an overgrown child in a hot man's body. He makes me laugh and smile though so I guess it's ok, it's cute honestly.

"Excuse me, I have a delivery for Noah Porter, do you know where I can find him?" Someone asked and I looked up and saw a beautiful crystal vase with at least two dozen white roses with a small red rose bud in the middle of each rose with red and green sparkles on them. I gasped and stood up.

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