12 Joshua

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Sean Faris as David ^^ top

When I got a text from Noah that he had just parked and was about to come inside the building, I got nervous. Nervous seems to be my new thing when it comes to Noah. Our date, him seeing my home, seeing me for myself before my changes to my home since I plan on showing him how it used to look, nervous because I'm going to tell him about my past, the things he doesn't know such as my job and who I truly am so yes, I'm nervous about how this evening is going to go.

"It'll be alright, he won't tuck tail and run, trust me." David said when he and I stood by the elevator doors waiting on Noah and Mary.

"I know that but he means the world to me so his thoughts and opinions matter more than anyone else's does. I haven't talked to him in person since I left his apartment and I have no idea how he's going to react to seeing me after that night."

"Well obviously he wants to see you since he's going to be here in a few seconds, so stop worrying and enjoy yourself with him. If things end up going well, have him spend the night and do whatever you both feel is right." David said and the elevator doors opened revealing Noah and Mary.

Noah was smiling at me and walked straight to me and dropped the bags he had on the floor and wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me, full on the lips kissed me and I couldn't form a single thought except to kiss him back so I put my hands on his hips and pulled him closer and got lost in how our lips felt and how much I loved being in his arms kissing him like I was. I felt high and felt so alive.

"Hi Joshua." He whispered and had a breathtaking smile on his handsome face.

"Hi Noah." I whispered back and he kissed me again. I could feel how turned on he was and I'm sure he could feel how turned on I was but now was definitely not the time or place for this so I stopped the kiss and sighed looking at him.

"I missed you." He said and I knew how he felt since I missed him also.

"I missed you too Noah, so much. I'm sorry about that night, I'm sorry I haven't come to see you or talked to you much since. I'll explain more later but I hope you can forgive me for my poor actions."

"I forgive you and I look forward to that explanation later. You have a beautiful home Joshua." He said as he finally looked around and he seemed to be impressed.

"Thank you but it wasn't always like this. I recently changed things to make it feel more like a home instead of just a roof and four walls." I said and he walked inside more and looked around before looking back at me and smiled.

"Well it's beautiful and I'm sure it wasn't as bad before, but this is probably much better." He said and the girls giggled and they introduced themselves to Noah and Mary before the girls went to talk as us three guys got a drink of eggnog.

"So how have you been Noah?" David asked him as we sat down at the table with our drinks and Noah sighed softly.

"I've been good, work has been busy, I bought a car finally so it's nice not having to take the bus anymore that's for sure. I also missed Joshua so it's nice being here with him. How have you been?" Noah asked David and I couldn't help but feel shy with the look Noah gave me and I felt myself blushing, something I think he likes making me do.

"I've been good also, can't complain about anything honestly. I'm happy the year is almost over though, it's been one hell of a year hasn't it?" David asked and Noah nodded.

"Yes it has. With Covid and places shutting down and haven't been able to reopen, people still getting sick, more schools reopening, some part time, them coming up with that vaccine so quickly, it's been one wild ride and I'm just so thankful with me working in a hospital I didn't get it or brought it home and Mary getting it. I have no idea how any of us faced it but it's our job to take care of people no matter the danger we face. I know people call us heroes, us, firefighters, police, anyone who works with the public but we all took an oath to help people and heal so it's our job, duty to protect people so I don't see myself as a hero, just someone who's doing their job."

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