Chapter 33 - November 27, 2016

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"Stop cheating!" I growled at the older Maximoff twin, throwing my remote down angrily.

"I'm not cheating, you are just bad" Pietro shot back and I scowled, pushing myself up from the couch.

"I'm not playing with you anymore tonight. I'm going to bed."

He waved me away, already switching the xbox on so he could play Sonic. Sometimes I felt like he was pissing me off on purpose so I would stop playing.

When I got back to my room I flopped down onto my bed, my head lolling to the side so I could stare at the wall. "Hey JARVIS?"

"Yes, Ollie?"

"How is he today?" I asked, biting my lip.

The AI went quiet for a couple seconds before answering. "He's alive and well."

I nodded to myself, pulling the single sucker left out of my pocket and twirling it in my hand. "Can you ask Nat if we can work on my training tomorrow?"

"Miss Romanoff is asleep" JARVIS said and I blinked, checking my watch. It was well past midnight.

"Oh" I muttered, staring harder at the candy before pushing myself up from the bed.

I crept through the halls, ending up at a familiar door. I bit my lip and hesitated before knocking softly. If she didn't answer I would go away, but if she did then I would-

The door opened, revealing Wanda. She had on a slightly oversized sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants, her eyes blinking slowly as she took me in.

"I brought you this" I told her, holding out the sucker I had kept. She blinked at it before looking up at me, unimpressed. "I gave the rest to Steve, it was a really sweet story. It's a peace offering?"

She rolled her eyes and moved to close her door but I scowled, standing in the way. "Seriously? You won't take it?"

"Why would I want it?"

I let out a strangled scream and shoved the door, stepping closer. "Listen, Wanda, I don't know why you are so mad at me-"

"Because you don't take care of yourself" she interrupted, her voice steady and void of emotion.

"And why would you care?" I snapped.

"I don't, but Pietro was worried when you were out." I would have believed her if not for the way her eyes avoided mine, her hands playing with her sweatshirt sleeves.

"I try" I sighed and she scoffed in disbelief. I huffed and grabbed her shoulders, drawing her eyes to mine. "I can't sleep, okay? Ever since I arrived in this timeline it's been something. First it was the stress of getting home, then the stress of not getting home, then the nightmares. The only time I've slept through the night has been with you."

She blinked in surprise, her mouth bobbing open to ask the question I knew was coming. I beat her to it.

"I don't know why. Maybe it's because other Wanda and I used to cuddle, but whatever it is I feel safer and not as stressed. The nightmares aren't as bad." I let my hands fall to my sides, looking down as they swayed gently. "I'm trying, okay? But it's not that simple."

"I'm sorry" Wanda sighed, reaching out to squeeze my hand. "What are the nightmares about?"

"Something I don't want to talk about right now" I answered softly and she nodded.

"You don't have to talk about it, but if you want to, now or in a year, I'll be here to listen" Wanda said and I smiled a little, squeezing her hand.

"Thank you." I caught sight of my watch and slowly pulled my hand back. "I'm sorry for coming here this late. I probably woke you up."

"It's okay," the brunette whispered. I smiled once more before turning and retreating back to my room, my heart heavy with emotions I didn't want to face. Once in bed I turned off the light, staring up into the darkness.

My mind drifted to the other Wanda, and I tried to recall how exactly I had felt about her. Had my heart raced the same way? Had my thoughts been on her all the time?

Unfortunately, those feelings were buried far beyond my reach.

I sighed and turned over, looking at the spot I knew held sleep medication given to me by Bruce. I debated taking it before deciding against it. I had no desire to be vulnerable to my own mind.

Instead I stared out into the pitch black room, my mind swirling. I did that for a while when I heard a noise that caused me to jump, my heart thundering as I looked out into the darkness.

"I need to put a bell on you" I sighed once a dim tendril of red lit up around me and the approaching woman. "What's up?"

"You said I helped you sleep, so that's why I am here" Wanda said simply, climbing into my bed. I bit back a smile as she scooted closer and wrapped my arms around her, letting my eyes droop closed. "Besides, I sleep better with you, too."

I wasn't sure if the last part was a concoction of words created by my mind as I fell into deep sleep or if they were real, but I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

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