Chapter 61- January 4, 2017

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"Did you know that Tony owns an amusement park?" I asked Wanda, laying on my back with my head hanging off the bed as she tugged one of my sweatshirts over her head. Well, it was Pietro's but I had since claimed it as my own.

"Stark owns a lot of things" she pointed out, seemingly unimpressed by the information.

"But an amusement park" I repeated, trying to convey my excitement. "We could eat cotton candy and ride the ferris wheel and kiss at the top."

"I thought you hated heights" Wanda reminded me and I huffed, pouting a little over both the mention of my fear and the fact that she had obstructed my view with a pair of sweatpants. "It's too cold to keep them off."

"Stop reading my thoughts" I whined, rolling over and pushing myself up, grunting as the blood rush brought on a migraine. "Ferris wheels and roller coasters are the exception to heights because they're too fun to be scared of."

Wanda simply hummed as she dug through my drawer, clearly not as excited about the idea as I was.

"Have you ever even been to an amusement park" I pressed, climbing out of the bed and catching the clothes thrown at me. I surveyed them, a grin stretching on my face. "Isn't this yours?"

"We traded" she nodded and I snickered, shaking my head.

"Technically it's your brother's but I stole that from him like a month ago." I hopped a little, yanking my pants past my foot before revisiting the topic at hand. "Have you even been to an amusement park before?"

"We went once when we were younger."

"That's so long ago" I said before grimacing. "Not that I'm calling you old. Technically you are still older than me since I missed five birthdays, six actually since the whole blip happened before my birthday in 2018 and after my birthday this year but-"

"Why do you want to go so badly?" Wanda questioned, thankfully putting a stop to my ranting as we wandered through the halls towards the kitchen.

"I just think it would be fun. Plus we could bring Piet and Lena and have a whole double date amusement park outing."

Af the sound of their names the two in question seemed to appear out of nowhere, joining our trip with two very different expressions.

"An amusement park? Isn't that one of those places with rides and games and food?" Yelena asked, her eyes sparkling excitedly.

"A double date? Why are you calling it a date if Yelena and I aren't dating" Pietro grumbled, his face flushed. I chose to ignore the man in favor of Yelena, latching on to her excitement.

"Yeah! Tony owns one apparently so I'm saying we four should go and ride all the rollercoasters and get sick on cotton candy!"

"I think I went to one of those while I was in Ohio, it was fun!"

I grinned, sticking my tongue out at the Maximoffs as I threw an arm around Yelena. "I don't need you two, I'll just go with Lena. We'll have our own date."

"I'm going" Wanda scowled, eyeing the blonde viciously. The glare didn't phase the Russian as she began to babble on about what she remembered from her childhood trip.

"If you guys are going I guess I have to go too" Pietro mumbled, and I cheered, feeling excitement course through me.

"JARVIS, where is the Stark Amusement Park?" I called up, starting towards the elevator excitedly.

"Olivia, it's raining" Wanda reminded me, catching me with tendrils of red and pulling me back to where she stood. "We have to go tomorrow."

"But..." I frowned as I looked out the window at the dull sky, recalling why Wanda and I had spent the first half of the day in bed. I sighed, glancing once more at the elevator before nodding. "Tomorrow then."

Everyone voiced their agreement, starting towards the kitchen to make plans. I trudged behind them, my momentary good mood having crashed down.

"Hey, is that my sweatshirt?" Pietro questioned his sister and I couldn't help but smile as the two began bickering.

"It's the first one I stole from you Sonic" I informed the speedster as we arrived at the kitchen, Wanda moving to start dinner as the rest of us sat down.

"So now it's my sister's?"

I narrowed my eyes at my girlfriend to see that she had a smug smile on her face, confirming Pietro's question.

"I suppose so" I grumbled. Temporarily, that is. I was going to find a way to steal it back.

"You're not getting it back" Wanda deadpanned.

"Stop listening to my evil plans" I whined, stomping a foot on the ground as I shifted my thinking elsewhere to fluster her. It worked almost immediately, Wanda's face growing pink as she shook her head, trying to shoo away my thoughts.

"I regret this so much," Pietro gagged, looking between us in disgust. I ignored the remark, propping my chin up with my hand as I leaned onto the table.

"So, what's the plan for tomorrow?"

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