Chapter 57 - December 30, 2016

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"You're healing very nicely" Cho commented with a smile, gently tilting my head to survey the wound on my head. She let me go before moving around to my front and raising an eyebrow, gesturing for me to lift my shirt. I complied, wincing at the movement. She hummed as she put pressure on the ribs I had broken. "It looks like you still have a way to go until you're fully healed. Keep taking the medicine I gave you and we'll check back in next week."

"What about New Years? Can I still get drunk?" I asked, fingers crossing by my side.

"Stay away from alcohol, I don't want it mixing with the medication in your system" Cho warned and I groaned loudly knowing that Tony would throw a fit over my inability to drink.

I thanked Cho and carefully climbed down from the medical bed, escaping the stark white room and the bright lights that made my head pound. I wandered the halls, unsure of what to do until I ended up outside of Stark's lab.

"Whatcha doin?" I questioned, popping my head into the room. Tony simply hummed in response, not bothering to look up. I took the lack of shooing as an invitation to enter, stepping in and beginning to look at all the tech that was strewn everywhere. I caught sight of a small figure and I grabbed it, a grin fixed onto my face as I turned to Tony. "You have an Iron Man action figure?"

"Rhodey thought it was funny so he got it for me" Tony grumbled, finally looking up from his work. "What are you doing here anyway? Didn't you have a check-up?"

"Already went" I hummed, moving to sit down on one of the stools and beginning to spin. "By the way, I can't drink at your party tomorrow, doctor's orders."

"What's the point in going then" Tony asked and I frowned, my brows furrowing annoyedly at the man.

"There's more to parties than just drinking, Tony. Like watching the ball drop or kissing at midnight and all that bullshit."

"I know, I was only joking. It'll still be fun" the man assured me before looking back at what he was doing. I hummed, doing a few more rounds on the spinny stool before sliding off.

"You bore me, I'm going to find something else to do" I announced, starting towards the door.

"If it's going to be your girlfriend please be respectful of the rest of our ears" Tony said after me and I held up a middle finger behind me.

"Fuck you, you off-color C3PO" I shouted before ducking out of the lab, shaking my head in amusement.

I meandered through the halls aimlessly, trying to come up with something to do when I passed the main room, an idea popping into my head.

"JARVIS can you tell Lena to bring those games I got her to the main room?" I asked the AI, pausing to eye the furniture. "And can you ask Steve to come help me?"

"Yes, Ollie."

I hummed, narrowing my eyes at the room as I imagined how to rearrange the giant couch. Had the couch been this big in my old timeline? And was it blue?

"Hey, Ollie, I'm sorry I haven't checked in recently" Steve apologized as he entered the room and I waved him off. He had come to see me a few times while I was in the medical room but I knew he was busy trying to help Bucky so I didn't take it personally.

Sam, on the other hand, was going to get his ass kicked.

"Don't worry about it. Can you move the couch back for me? I want it to still be here in case we play a video game but I got twister and other board games that need space" I explained and Steve nodded, getting to work as Yelena showed up.

"You needed the games?" She questioned, furrowing her brows as she peeked over my shoulder to look at Steve.

"Yup! We're having that game night I mentioned" I chirped, grabbing the stack from her and shuffling to the couch, dumping them onto the blue fabric. "JARVIS, tell the maximoffs to get their asses in here."

Pietro, obviously, was in the room within a few seconds, brow raised in question. Wanda appeared a few minutes after my summoning, sporting the same expression.

"It's game night" I grinned, gesturing to the number of games. "Lena hasn't played them so we're gonna have a stereotypical slumber party. Pietro is only invited because some of these games are four players and I hate leaving a color unplayed."

"I don't know how to feel about that" Pietro grumbled, eyes narrowed at me.

"Can't hurt me, I'm crippled and your sister's girlfriend" I teased, sticking out my tongue at him.

"You act like children" Yelena scoffed and I shoved her hard before dodging out of the way to hide behind Wanda.

"Let's just play the games," Pietro announced, shaking his head. I hummed, wrapping my arms around Wanda's waist and burying my face in her neck, breathing in the smell of sage and vanilla.

In the back of my head, far out of reach, I couldn't help but wonder; did the Wanda from my old timeline smell like this?

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