Chapter 63 - January 5, 2017

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"So, how was your date?" I teased, wiggling my brows at Pietro and Yelena. They both flushed and shot me a look, although Yelena's was far more terrifying. I held up one hand in surrender, the other carrying a chicken tender to my mouth.

"Just finish your food so we can leave" Pietro grumbled and I grunted, ungracefully shoving the rest of the chicken in my mouth and wiping my hands on my pants before standing up.

"Fine, let's go."

My three companions simply stared at me, Wanda and Yelena in disgust and Pietro in confusion. I waved my hand towards the exit of the small restaurant to get my point across and Wanda sighed, shaking her head as she led the way out. The rest of us followed, me chewing harshly to try and finish the food that was stuffed in my mouth.

"Are we ready to go back?" Pietro asked, glancing towards the parking lot where the car was and I shook my head aggressively as I swallowed my chicken.

"I wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel at sunset and kiss at the top."

"As much fun as that would be, you're dating my sister."

I scowled, shoving his shoulder roughly. "You wish. I meant her, not you."

"We would have to be here for another three hours to catch the sunset" Wanda pointed out, shielding her eyes as she looked up at the sky. It was true, the sun was far from reaching the horizon and still had a ways to go.

"Let's ride some more things then! And do the game booths!" I pressed, inching towards the ring toss game.

"I was supposed to help Natasha in locating more widows" Yelena reminded me.

Pietro nodded. "I want to get better at Mario Kart before Peter comes tomorrow."

I frowned before an idea popped into my head, a grin taking over my face. "You're right, I'm too good. I'd just embarrass you." I said nonchalantly, causing the two to sputter in disagreement and Wanda to roll her eyes, having caught on to my plan. "No, no. That's okay. Let's just go back to the compound."

"You think you could beat a trained Russian assassin in games that are all about aim? Really?" Yelena asked, eyes narrowed at me.

"I could beat you easily" Pietro said confidently, although I was surprised to find his gaze on Yelena and not me.

The two began to ramp up their challenge, hurrying off to play ring toss. I grinned, bouncing a little as I looked back to Wanda. "Come on, let's go play some games!"

She laughed, shaking her head as I grabbed her hand and began pulling her after the others.

As expected, Yelena was victorious in most all of the games played. Pietro managed to come out ahead in both basketball and the sledgehammer-bell game, the latter surprising me greatly, but since there was no true singular winner in carnival games I managed to win a few prizes for Wanda including a stuffed cactus I named Sherman. He looked nothing like the real Sherman, but I suppose he would have to do for now. Finally, before we knew it, the sun was beginning to fall from the sky, turning the sky into an array of color.

"If you don't hurry we're going to miss it" I urged, tugging at Wanda's arm as we dodged between people and towards the Ferris Wheel.

We cut the line of people waiting for their own romantic moment on the turning wheel, showing off our wristbands and slipping into one of the passenger cars as it hesitated, waiting for us to get in.

I watched the amusement park around us grow farther and farther away as we began our slow ascent into the air, stopping every few feet to let a new group into the waiting car. The sky was starting to shift into orange and pink, the blue yielding to the sunset as we neared the top. I hadn't realized my leg was bouncing until Wanda's leg pressed against mine and she scooted forward on the bench and grabbed my hand.

"If something happens, we can fly. Nothing will happen."

I hummed, anxiety bubbling up in my as I pressed my face closer to the smudged glass, catching sight of Pietro and Yelena with their hands interlocked, talking to each other. Sherman the stuffed cactus was being held by Pietro who didn't dare put him down after the threatening his sister had done when she handed him over.

"If something happens, I'll make sure you're okay" Wanda assured me, the sincerity in her tone bringing my eyes to her. My eyes flickered between them and a sense of calm washed over me at the familiar shade of green I had come to associate with safety.

"Promise?" I asked, a smile finding its way onto my face.

"I promise."

I grinned, leaning forward and pressing my lips against hers. The color green and the scent of vanilla and sage played in my mind and I promised myself that this was a memory I would never lose, no matter how many other things I lost.

When the ride jolted forward once again and we began the descent to let the next group on I pulled away from the brunette across from me, my eyes still closed and my mind still dancing.

"Hey Wanda?"


I let my eyes flutter open, the feeling of her lips still a ghost against my skin.

"One day, we should go to Paris."

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