Chapter 44 - December 17, 2016

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I knew I should have been suspicious that Yelena and Pietro, who I hadn't seen all day, had a plan.

I just didn't realize it was such a stupid plan.

We had gotten halfway through the third movie when Yelena checked her watch, turning to me frantically. I mirrored her actions, worried something was happening.

The something that was happening was their stupid plan.

Yelena cupped my cheeks with her hands and pulled me forward, pressing her lips against mine in the same moment my door flew open with a bang.

"Ollie, let's all watch a movie!"

Pietro's enthusiastic voice was almost immediately followed by a sharp yank around my torso pulling me away from Yelena.

I blinked as I tried to regain my senses, my mind still cloudy at what was happening. The red mist around my stomach evaporated and I looked over at the door to see Wanda, her eyes red as they pointed directly at Yelena. Pietro smirked in the doorway behind her, winking at me.

What the fuck did they do.

"Time for me to go" Yelena chirped, brushing past Wanda and pulling Pietro out with her. They gave me a thumbs up before closing the door behind them, trapping me in a room with Wanda.

Wanda, whose glowing red eyes and intimidating head tilt were aimed at me.


"You said you liked me, but you avoid me and kiss another girl not even a week later" she hissed and I held up my hands, moving to my feet.

"She kissed me, not the other way around" I clarified quickly before frowning. "Why does it matter anyway?" I snapped.

"Because" she stressed, her eyes fading back to their normal green. I waited for her to continue her sentence but she didn't.

"You're the one who rejected me. Me and Lena are just friends and I don't like her that way, but even if I did it wouldn't matter" I said, continuing in a softer tone.

"It does matter." Wanda frowned, playing with the hem of her sweatshirt. "You've been asleep when I tried to come in here" she notes, switching topics.

"Sleeping pills" I said, nodding to the bottle on my bedside table. She narrowed her eyes at them, as if willing them to combust. "Why are you here, Wanda?"

"I wanted to talk to you" she answered lamely, and I ran a hand through my hair.


She shifted a little, her eyes fluttering down to my lips. "Do you kiss all your friends?"

"I'm getting fucking whiplash from this conversation, Wanda. Pick a direction" I grunted, dragging my hand over my face in frustration.

"Fine" she huffed. Wanda stalked over and yanked me down, pressing her lips to mine before I could protest.

I wasn't sure what this would mean when we separated, or what it meant right now, but I was sure that I wanted it to last as long as possible so I let my eyes drift closed, one hand wrapping around her waist to pull her closer while the other cupped the side of her face, a loose lock of hair tickling my knuckles. I let my teeth graze over her bottom lip lightly before taking it between them, biting down gently and earning a soft sound from the girl in front of me.

I gently pulled away, chuckling as Wanda tried to follow me. Her breathing was shallow as her eyes fluttered open, deep green orbs flickering between my own eyes, her brow furrowed as if to ask why I stopped.

The truth was that I didn't want to stop. It was safe to say I would be content kissing Wanda until I ran out of breath.


"Why did you do that?" I asked softly, hesitating a little before lifting my hand from her cheek and tucking the loose hair behind her ear.

Instead of offering an explanation Wanda's grip on my shirt tightened. "Can I stay here tonight?"

I nodded, earning a relieved smile before she pulled me back down, attaching my lips to hers once more.

I didn't know what this meant for me, for us, and I desperately willed myself to be okay with just this; to be okay kissing the girl I might be falling for. But while we lay in my bed, Wanda curled in my arms and the light from the TV illuminating us, I lost the internal battle raging inside.

"What does this mean?" I questioned, staring up at the ceiling. "What are we? Friends who kiss? Do you kiss all your friends? If you don't feel the same-"

"Olivia, shut up." Wanda commanded and the sound of my full name coming from her mouth made me shudder, the words of my rant dying off before they could make it to my tongue. Wanda propped herself up on her elbow, cupping my cheek and forcing me to turn towards her. "Pietro was always better at making friends when we were younger. He had girlfriends and friends but I didn't. I learned witchcraft and cooking with my mother. You're my first real friend."

I winced at the word, my heart clenching a little as I let my gaze drift back to the ceiling. Wanda huffed and turned my head back.

"The point is, I've never had anyone care about me the way you do and it is scary. I don't know what I'm doing and I don't want to lose you because I messed up."

I propped myself up as well, frowning. "Wanda, you-"

"Shut up" she warned before biting her lip anxiously. "I don't want to lose you but it would be a lie to say I don't feel things for you. I like watching movies with you and cuddling with you and I like cooking for you-"

"I like that too" I grinned, knowing she would be annoyed by another interruption. She glared half-heartedly at me before continuing.

"I feel a lot of things for you, Liv, and I want to be the one kissing you and sleeping next to you."

"Even if it means everyone knows? And thinks something is going on?"

"I want everyone to know" Wanda whispered, her voice sending chills down my spine as she leaned forward, catching my mouth with hers as she mumbled against my lips. "Nobody else can kiss you but me."

I grinned, pulling her closer. "That's fine by me."

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