Chapter 41 - December 14, 2016

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"Okay, so this is called Super Smash Bros. Pietro is a cheater because he just button mashes using his speed but otherwise it's a fun game" I told Yelena, handing her the remote to the wii.

"How does this work?" She questioned, turning the controller over in her hands.

"Okay so, to move you move this" I started, scooting closer and leaning in to press the dpad. The character on the screen moved and she hummed, indicating she understood.

With absolutely no help from Pietro it took me an hour to explain to the blonde how to play and what each character did. At one point I saw Wanda walk through the room out of the corner of my eye but I kept my focus on teaching Yelena, desperately trying not to watch the brunette.

Last night I had made it my goal to keep Pietro and Yelena in my room until really late in an effort to keep Wanda away, rewatching Shrek and then going through the rest of the films. It had been about midnight when we had finished them, and then we had taken Yelena on a late night tour of the building before dropping her off at the room that was to be hers. Pietro, being the adorable gentleman he was, decided to keep me company until I fell asleep.

That being said, I was going to have to investigate other resources for sleep.

Maybe I'd take Bruce up on those sleep meds.


I blinked, focusing on the new person in the room. The redhead stood with her hands on her hips, staring at me disapprovingly.

"Oh shit, what did you do?" Yelena whispered, her thick russian accent coating her words.

"Nothing?" I answered, worriedly wracking my brain for the reason why the former assassin would be so upset with me.

"Exactly. Nothing. You didn't train at all while I was gone" Nat scolded.

"Nobody would help!" I protested, spinning around fully to face the woman, my hands perched on the back of the couch.

"You could have practiced alone." She said and I huffed, sinking in my seat a little. Yelena began to snicker but stopped when Nat's sharp glaze snapped to her. "I don't know why you're laughing. You're coming too. You need more skills for fighting people with powers."

This time it was my turn to laugh teasingly at the blonde, who simply rolled her eyes at me.

After a sharp urging from Nat the three of us peeled ourselves off the couch and begrudgingly followed the redhead down to the training room.

"If we're using powers, shouldn't Wanda be here?" Pietro asked and I glared at the man, the desire to throttle him rushing forward.

"We're just going to use Ollie today. She's faster than you and she can both phase and fly."

I stuck my tongue out at Pietro teasingly, causing him to return to act. Yelena raised a brow as she looked between us.

"If you two are finished, I would like to get started."

We both stopped abruptly and I grinned sheepishly at the blonde before gesturing for her to try and come at me.

We spent a good hour with Yelena simply trying to land a hit on me before switching speeds so that it was my turn to struggle in the attack position.

By the time Yelena pinned me for the fifth time I was sweating, tired, and fed up with training.

"Can we eat? I'm hungry" I whined from underneath the younger assassin, not paying any mind to the increasingly familiar feeling of the woman straddling me; pinning my hands to the ground. I also didn't bother saying anything about it. My first inappropriate 'kinky' comment had led me to run around the compound.

Five times.

In the cold.

Without my speed.

"You're always hungry" Nat sighed, trying and failing to keep the amusement out of her voice.

"Not always" I protested, frowning a little.

"You made Pietro retrieve snacks for you four times last night while we were watching movies. And we stopped by the kitchen twice on the tour" Yelena deadpanned and I huffed as Pietro started laughing loudly.

"It's not my fault that dealing with you two drains my energy at the speed of light" I grumbled, squirming a little to try and free myself.

Someone cleared their throat from the door and all four of us looked to the newcomer. My heart began to race and I quickly averted my gaze, desperately wishing I could escape the room.

"Wanda!" Pietro chirped happily and I had to hold back a deadly glare. Wanda was his twin, and she came far before me on the list of importance.

"Dinner's ready" Wanda reported, void of any emotion and I could feel her eyes burning into me.

I felt Yelena letting go, freeing me from her grasp before she held out a hand to help me up. I took it and muttered a thanks, dusting myself off and glancing over to Wanda. She glared at me before turning and stalking away.

"The fuck is she mad at me for?" I growled as I got to Pietro, feeling anger rise. "She's the one who rejected me."

The silver haired man frowned, trailing behind Nat as she led the way to the kitchen, deep in conversation with Yelena. "She came to your room last night."

I hummed, shoving my hands in my pockets. "She's been coming to sleep with me for the past two weeks."

"What?!" Pietro shouted and I shoved him a little, shooting him a look before glancing in front of us. The two Russians were looking back at us, brows raised. I waved them off before turning back to the loudmouth.

"First of all, shut the fuck up. Second, not like that. It's literally just sleeping."

"Why would she do that?"

I bit my lip. "I get nightmares."

The lie felt familiar coming from my mouth and it was fitting that now both Maximoffs had heard it.

While it was true that I used to get nightmares, and I still did, they had gotten far less jarring after I told Wanda about everything. But I had gotten so used to falling asleep next to the woman that I had continued the charade.

Now it seemed that my problem stemmed from the dependence of falling asleep next to someone.

"If she came to sleep with you maybe she does like you?" Nat butted in, clearly having eavesdropped.

"She outright rejected me, Nat. I may be oblivious but I said it like three times and she didn't deny it. Then I walked away and she didn't stop me."

"She didn't say she did" Nat pointed out while Pietro and Yelena nodded.

"Okay, all three of you have literally zero romance experience. Not saying anything is a rejection. Especially not saying anything if asked about said rejection" I clarified before running a hand through my hair. "I'm actually not that hungry. I'll see you guys later."

The three frowned but didn't try to stop me as I split away from them, heading for my room.

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