Chapter 51 - December 23, 2016

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"You are such a fucking liar" I growled, letting a tiny bolt of electricity zap the blonde who sat across from me.

"That's seventy-two" Sam said, miming a pen and notebook as he made a tick mark.

"I wouldn't say it so much if he hadn't lied" I snapped, turning my annoyance on the other man, although it didn't feel as satisfying when he looked like someone else.

"I'm counting that as seventy-three."

"I'm going to off myself if I have to spend another second with you people" I scowled, sinking down in my seat with my arms crossed.

Despite Steve's assurance that this incredibly simple mission would only take two days it was already approaching a total of ninety-six hours since we had landed. That was three sleeps in the disgusting bed I was convinced someone had died in, all interrupted midway through thanks to Sam's unconscious practice of what could only be described as a pig's mating call. Three morning wake ups with a rapidly pounding heart and Steve's ass in full view as he did his morning workout three feet from my bed.

It had been four days since I was able to talk to anyone but the two buffoons I arrived with and I was, unsurprisingly, hitting a wall.

I desperately wanted the freedom of making waffles with my girlfriend at midnight or playing video games with Pietro. I would even welcome another full day training session if it meant I could be free of these two.

A sharp elbow jabbed into my arm caused a blazing glare to be sent to the perpetrator, although his gaze was elsewhere. I followed his eyeline, lighting up in excitement as I saw the man whose features I had memorized up to this point.

"Fuck yes. Finally" I breathed, sitting up in my chair and staring at the brown haired man as he interacted with someone. "Grab him and let's go."

"It's not that simple. If we spook him he could run" Steve said, averting his gaze from Bucky to me.

"What is he, a fucking horse? If he runs I'll catch him or make it look like there's a lion in his way" I urged him impatiently. "I know you two are lonely as fuck but I promised Wanda I would be back at the compound for Christmas. Pinky promised."

"We don't have all the information, Ollie. Even if he isn't the winter soldier he is still extremely dangerous."

"He's buying vegetables at a local farmer's stall" I deadpanned but Steve just shook his head, making me groan and drop my head onto the table in a painful and dramatic display of how much I hated the patience part of this mission.

We spent the next hour following Bucky around to various stalls and stores before finally he returned to the place he lived, giving us a chance to confront him without any civilians being in danger.

"Alright, listen. You two are on backup. I'm going to knock on the door and hope that he recognizes me and agrees to come with us easily."

I hummed, focusing and bending the light so that Sam and I appeared invisible. Steve carefully surveyed the place we were just in case before accepting the illusion, knocking on the door.

After a few seconds there was no answer so Steve tried again, knocking far more than he needed to.

"Chill, you're acting like a cop" I hissed although Sam slammed a hand over my mouth when the lock on the other side of the door clicked. I gagged, slapping Sam's hand off of me before angrily whispering "that's gross, I don't know where you've been."

"In the same place as you for the last four fucking days" he shot back and I pursed my lips both because he was right and Steve looked like he might kill us.

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