30 ;; sickness

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And so, a completely predictable fate befell John - he did, in fact, get sick.
He'd slept extremely fitfully that night on the floor in Paul's bedroom. He'd woken up about three times before five in the morning when he finally snuck out and went home, each time feeling like his throat was being clawed out by some creature and no longer able to use his nose as it was meant to be used. His head throbbed with a terrible headache, but he fell asleep effective immediately, the moment his head hit the pillow after sneaking back into the house. He'd slept deeply for a while after that, his body needing the rest, even if it was only for two hours, since he'd been awoken by Mimi as per usual for school.

"John Winston Lennon! That's the second time in the last few weeks you've not come home at night."
She immediately scolded him the moment she stepped foot in his room; he felt guilt rise in his throat like bile, and he let out a soft 'sorry' before dissolving into a fit of coughs. She watched him for a few moments, studying him with those sharp eyes - until they softened suddenly, round with sympathy. She let out a drooping sigh and took a few steps towards him so she could place the back of her hand on his forehead. "Did you get caught in the storm?" She queried.

"Yeah. I, um.. fell asleep at Strawberry Fields." He sat up, holding his head when it sent a bolt of pain through it, feeling as if his entire body had turned to stone. "I stayed at Ringo's. I know I should've called, but it was late and we fell asleep quickly." It was partly true, though he decided not to mention that he stayed at Paul's. It probably wouldn't have mattered if he said he did, since she knew who he was, but he just didn't feel like talking about him at the moment.

"Why didn't his parents call, then?" She furrowed her brows, obviously suspicious of his story.

"Um.. I dunno. They probably didn't want to bother you." He spoke hastily, knowing that she didn't believe him for a single second. But instead of pursuing further, all she did was move away, bony arms crossed over her chest as she seemingly thought to herself.

"Can I... stay home from school?" He decided to at least attempt to ask and see if she'd allow it. He felt definitely in no state to go to school at the moment.

"Okay, fine. You can stay home. But - on one condition." She turned to him with a stern expression, holding up an equally stern finger. "You still need to do schoolwork. Alright?"
He groaned inwardly. I knew she was going to say that.

John only shrugged. "Okay." He agreed. He did want to make it up to her anyway for scaring her once again by not coming home for the whole night. He still felt bad about that.
After that, she gathered things he would need - tissues, water and some throat lozenges. She continued to remind him that she expects him to do homework as a compromise for letting him stay home, and all he could do was just suppress a chuckle at her behaviour that was just so typically Mimi. After that, she said her goodbyes and left, and he went straight back to bed to catch up on his missed sleep.

He then awoke a few hours later at about ten; he peeled open exhausted eyes, sitting up and stretching languidly as he adjusted to being awake. He strangely longed for Paul's touch in those moments as he became aware of the world around him, wishing he had his warm body curled around his and his sleeping form being the first thing he would lay eyes upon. He sorely missed those moments they'd had together in the past, and he had missed it even more when he'd fallen asleep on the floor next to Paul in his room. They had been in privacy then - why couldn't they just go back to how they were before Paul decided they shouldn't be together, but just not doing anything in public places and only in the privacy of their homes, alone together?
He let out a frustrated sigh, coughing lightly afterwards before blowing his nose with the tissues Mimi had put on his desk. I guess I just have to respect Paul's decision. I still need to talk to Stu when I go back to school, though, and see if I could glean the truth from him if he really did lie about ratting us out to Kevin.

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