9 ;; questions

616 23 18

"Shit, what I would give to ditch today.."
Ringo dug his fingertips rigorously into his bluebell eyes, shivering at the bitter air that seeped into their skin like some kind of disease. Above, the sky was a smoky grey, stretching across the sky for miles and miles with no end in sight; the two boys kicked up browning leaves littering the ground as they trudged along to school. John stared blankly at the familiar route they always took to school, dreading the very moment he would step into its vicinity and lock eyes with.. him.

Since they had the practice session at Strawberry Fields, he hadn't seen the raven-haired boy. That was only yesterday, of course, so he wasn't bothered, but from everything that had happened at the party and how half of that night was shrouded in a drunken haze unnerved him. He felt like more had happened that night than just Paul taking him home and being beaten to a pulp by Kevin. Why hadn't he just gone home after he dropped him off? Maybe he was just too drunk off his arse to make it and just crashed on the bed. That is a pretty easy solution to it. And John hadn't had a shirt on because there was vomit on it and he had to have taken it off. So maybe nothing really happened at all.

But it still was unsettling to him... why the hell did Paul take him home in the first place? He didn't expect something like that from him. He came off as the type of guy to be a bystander. In fact, he would have expected him to have been pleased that John was being beaten up. Fuck, I'm dwelling all over it again. Snap out of it, John! He just took you home and crashed there, and that was it. He's gone now, and nothing like that will happen again.

"Me too. But we really gotta finish this damn project." He finally remembered that he was supposed to reply when someone talks, lifting his head from staring pensively at the ground to look at his friend. "Once we're done, I don't have to see Paul's stupid face ever again."' He was looking forward to that day.

"Stupid face?" Ringo whipped his head around to look at him incredulously, seemingly confused. Why was he confused? He always hated Paul. "Thought you guys were friends now, 'cause of the party. Or..?"

"What? No way. He's as much of a tosser as ever. No, we were never friends. Not even acquaintances." The words fell out a bit quicker than he expected, but he just trained his gaze on the ground again to avoid seeing Ringo's reaction. He truly believed his words.

"Well, you'll still be seein' him around the school."

"Yeah, but at least I won't have ta talk to him anymore. We'll probably say a total of two sentences for the rest of the year and then I'll be out of here." He idly kicked up a pile of dry leaves, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'm tired of tryin' to make peace with him."

"You made friends with George, though. Why's Paul any different?" Ringo furrowed his brows.
He probably knew there was something more to the whole ordeal that was going on between the two, but of course that wasn't true anyway! There wasn't anything going on between them. Just a mutual strong dislike. Nothing more.

"George is an actually nice person. That's the difference." He glared Ringo down, conveying that he didn't want to talk about the doe-eyed boy any longer. I just want a day where I don't fucking think about him or someone mentions him!

"Okay." Thankfully, Ringo was kind and understood his desire, relenting on the talk of Paul. "Let's bet - what grade do you think you'll get on this project?"

"Ohh, shit!" John grinned, tapping a finger against his chin while pretending to think it over. "Let's see.."

"I think, 'cause I got George and he's a god at guitar playin' - a solid A. Mayyy-be an A minus, B worse case scenario."

"I think yer right on that." The younger hummed. "For me, an A or B too. We made a pretty good song, actually. I quite like it."

"Really?? Didn't expect that, 'cause you don't get on very well. I wouldn't be able to make a good song with someone I couldn't get along with." The corners of Ringo's lips curled up in a somewhat bemused smile.

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