23 ;; absence

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"Me hair is ruined now!"

"I think you've already ruined it with how much bloody Vaseline you put in it."

"Hey! I had ta keep it in place."

John listened with amusement to George and Ringo bicker endlessly on their way to the bus stop the day after he met up with Cynthia. Usually they would just walk, but due to the weather, they decided that catching the bus would be more ideal. He clutched tightly onto the the umbrella he'd stolen from that café long ago, shielding himself from the constant downpour of freezing rain - but George had forgotten one himself, and now he had to run ahead to stand under shop roofs and avoid the water that etched itself into every nook and cranny. He chuckled as he watched the stick-like boys' carefully styled quiff begin to deflate with each passing minute, stray locks detaching themselves from the group and hanging over his forehead. It seemed even shinier than it was with just the grease alone - John could've mistaken it for plastic doll hair. Rain was becoming more and more regular each day; it was mid October in Liverpool, though, so of course the weather was like that. He enjoyed the rain for the most part, anyway. It was fun to run around in, and he always was the master of jumping in puddles as a kid.

"Are you guys done arguing like a married couple?" John interrupted George's whining rant, who seemed in distress as he ran his hands through his hair in vain attempt to fix it.

"Shut up, John!" They both spoke in unison, causing the pair to snap their gazes to each other with red cheeks, while John burst into laughter at the sight.

"Never mind. Psychically connected married couple, then." He smirked, twirling his umbrella between his hands. The auburn-haired boy then began to dance stupidly as they walked along, twirling his umbrella back and forth as he did so - making people around them glare at him and try to avoid him, but he only cared that he made George and Ringo laugh. An idea formed in his head, and he flashed an impish grin towards his friends, making them send him a look that screamed "oh no, what the hell are you going to do now?".

"I'm siiiingin' in the rain.." He leapt up onto a nearby lamppost, mimicking Gene Kelly in Singin' In The Rain as he continued to twirl his umbrella around and skip along, stupid grin on his face. "Just siiingin' in the rain! What a glorious feelin'- I'm happy again,"

"Encore, encore!" George cheered jokingly as they went, Ringo clapping his hands together and whistling.

"I'm laughin' at clouds!-" His singing voice grew more and more goofy as he went, and he barely paid attention to the fact that he was garnering stares from passersby as he danced and sung, flinging his umbrella around wildly and basically hitting people in the face. It was a joyful sight, and he felt finally more okay than he had felt in a while; seeing his friends double over with laughter as he continued to display his regular stupid shenanigans gave him more joy than he thought it would.
The three eventually made it to the bus stop in time, and they promptly got on, glad to be out of the pouring rain - John was now soaked to the skin due to the fact that he'd been dancing like a lunatic, obviously, and he shook himself like a dog that had just emerged from water, showering everything in a metres' distance with droplets. Water expelled from his body and leaked all over the bus floor as they made their way further inside, much to the drivers' irritation; he was unaware, though, due to another pressing issue that was occupying his mind.

He had wanted to avoid getting on the bus due to this particular issue. Kevin and all of his friends would catch it to go to school, and it was one reason why him and Ringo stopped getting on it and decided to walk to school instead - to avoid those people in particular. And there they were, sitting at the back, their raucous chatter basically drowning out everyone else's with its volume, smoking away and filling the bus with blue haze. Stuart and Pete Shotton were seemingly absent from the group, John noticed.

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