13 ;; beach

489 23 6

// shit sorry guys for the longest wait AHHH ive
barely had any motivation lately. anyways enjoy

"Hey, Cyn!"

"Oh- John! Hello. How are you?"

"Alright," The auburn-haired boy we've come familiar with leant against the cabinet, tapping his fingers against the wood as he scuffed his foot impatiently. "Just wonderin' when's a good time to come over and pick you up. To go to the party?" He could hear Mimi stomping about upstairs, muttering angrily to herself as she went; he couldn't help but smile a little at it. She was going out with some friends, so the house would be empty - she said she might not even come home until tomorrow, so he'd be able to come home drunk and not be scolded, which was exciting for him. He was determined not to have a repeat of the last time, though. Vomit all over his bed, Paul McCartney asleep next to him and a busted face. Not the most pleasant of times.

"Um," There was a cough accompanied by a sniffle on the other end, and he noticed that the girl's voice sounded congested. She must be sick? "I can't come, John. Sorry,"

"You sick? I can hear it in yer voice." John furrowed his brows as he voiced his concern. "I hope yer restin'."

"I am, don't worry." She laughed before there was a fit of coughing, making him wince a little. "All the rain lately- I caught a cold. Are you going to the party with Ringo?"

"Yeah, me and a couple other guys. I hope you get better soon, alright? Don't do anythin' to make it worse."

"Thanks, and I won't. I'll see you when I get better. Sorry to disappoint."

He shook his head, before he remembered she couldn't see him. "That's okay. Just rest. See you later on, Cyn."

"Goodbye. Have fun!"

"I will." He hung up, letting out a sigh as he turned around to ascend the stairs and get his jacket. If he was honest, he was secretly relieved that Cynthia had gotten sick so she wouldn't come with them. He still was feeling a bit awkward after he broke it off with her and she was obviously upset about it; he didn't want to put up with the uncomfortable feelings when he just wanted to get loose. She probably would tag along while he hung out with Ringo, George and Paul, which would be even more awkward - already it would be unpleasant enough between him and the raven-haired boy. Their relationship was very unstable, but it seemed to be heading in a possibly more positive direction, and he was determined not to knock it off course.

"Keys, money.." he muttered to himself as he pocketed his belongings. He'd just slipped a few pounds into his pockets until something caught his eye; he paused in his movements and turned to look closer. The report from their song task. Mimi had been so pleased with his A mark that she'd been about ready to forget everything else that he'd done in the beginning of the school year alone. It was a rarity for him to get such a good result. It isn't for Paul, though, he thought with a hint of bitterness.

"See you later, Mimi!" He called over his shoulder as he descended the stairs.

"Be back by eleven or there'll be consequences!" He saw her appear at the top of the staircase as he swung open the front door, staring down at him sternly; he just flashed her a sheepish smile and a thumbs up before bolting out of the house, the door clanging shut after him as he went.

A soft breeze tickled John's cheeks, and he looked up to the sky - it was beginning to darken and flood with orange and purple, only a few smatters of clouds blotting it out. That day had been much warmer than their cold, rainy last few weeks, so he had only dressed in a black leather jacket, white t-shirt and black trousers. Itching for a cigarette, he slipped the packet out of his pocket and shook one out, sticking it between his lips and lighting it up; taking a puff, he continued down the street towards his destination: Ringo's place.

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