42 ;; recovering

127 1 2

"Aye, how are you feelin' today?"

John peeled his eyes open, squinting when he discovered a blurry figure opening the door to Paul's room, making their way closer until they were standing at the foot of the bed he was currently occupying. But, from the voice alone, he knew it was Paul, no one else, so he relaxed his muscles that he'd tensed subconsciously (and instantly regretted, since it sent bolts of pain down his body) and forced a tight smile.

"Could be better, if 'm honest." His throat was rather hoarse, dry as sandpaper, making him clear his throat before groping blindly in the direction of the bedside table, where he'd left his glasses. When his fingers closed around them, he slid them onto his face and blinked as the world cleared - Paul's bedroom came into view; the white covers pulled up over him, bookcase beside the bed, the cupboard he'd hidden in one time when he had snuck in during the night, his desk and record player, the window overlooking the backyard, and Paul himself. He was dressed in a simple orange jumper he remembered he wore when they had first kissed, along with black trousers. His gaze was worried, brows furrowed, chewing his bottom lip with his arms crossed over his chest, tapping his fingers in an anxious way on his upper arm. He noticed there were things like bandages and alcohol wipes and other various things to treat his wounds, which Paul must've brought from the bathroom. John swallowed thickly, feeling a little awkward, lying there in Paul's bed, recovering from his wounds from the bashing he'd received only a day before.
"Shouldn't you be at school?" He asked suddenly, realising that it was a Tuesday; he glanced at the alarm clock beside him, seeing it was ten in the morning.

"Skipped." The younger boy shrugged.

John chuckled a little, but instantly stopped when his ribs smarted painfully at the action.
"I don't think you ever skipped school before you met me."

"Oh, you'd be surprised." He raised his eyebrows. He then began to collect up the first aid items and kneeled down beside him, pulling back the covers to reveal John's bare torso, ribs wrapped in bandages. "Eech," He hissed through his teeth, wincing at the apparently terrible sight, causing John to look down; his torso was decorated with flourishing purple-yellow bruises littered all across his chest and stomach, clashing against his pale skin, a few particularly nasty cuts where skin had been broken open accompanying them. It was a bit gruesome, John realised. He didn't much like looking at it himself.

"I should revoke my identity as a human and just say I'm a spotted mushroom instead." He half-heartedly joked.

"You'd be a good mushroom," Paul smiled, though rather weakly; after a moment, he visibly sucked in a deep breath as if to clear away his emotions and set to work. He slowly peeled off the bandages on John's ribs, cleaning the bruises and cuts before replacing them, icing the worst bruises a bit more, finishing up afterwards. When he was done, he knelt there for a few seconds, gaze roving over his body; his lips pursed, and he gently traced a bruise with a warm finger, expression rather aggrieved. John flinched at the touch, and Paul noticed immediately, causing him to retract his hand - but before he could move away, he gripped his wrist and carefully laid his hand back down on his chest, catching his gaze and staring at him intensely. He tried to say without words "it's okay", so that Paul could understand, so he wouldn't fret so much over his injuries, and it seemed that the raven-haired boy understood - his gaze softened to something painfully tender, pulling John's hand away from his with his other hand and entwining their fingers. The auburn-haired boy's breath hitched in his throat. They hadn't been intimate like that for a while... John's heart skipped a beat.

Their moment was broken soon afterwards, though, when Paul let go of him and stood back up, rubbing the back of his neck for a moment before speaking.

"You need some food and water. I'll make you some toast."

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