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"I better not catch you in here again for at least a few days, Mr Lennon." The detention woman (John never remembered her name) stared down at him with contempt from her half-moon glasses that rested on the end of her large nose, obviously greying hair framing her pale face.

"Don't count on it, miss." His smile was acerbic, and he promptly left the stuffy, dull classroom, a few other kids saying goodbyes to him as they all made their way out.

"See you tomorrow, John." Ringo smiled at him before he left, John giving a faint goodbye back as his friend disappeared out the front doors.

The hallways were barren, a sight that John was beginning to familiarise himself with, due to the fact that he was late almost every morning. The other kids that had been in detention with him were already gone, but he stayed rooted to the spot for a while longer. He wondered if Paul would actually be outside, waiting for him - he doubted it, somewhat; with their rocky last encounter, the boy probably would be long gone. But he still hoped anyway, like a bird trapped in his throat, fighting to escape. Why would he be hoping anyway? Not like he wanted to hang out with him! He was a total chuffer! Scuffing the ground with his untied shoe, he braced himself to leave the hallway, and see if Paul really had waited for him or not. But as he was about to leave, footsteps echoed through the deserted hallway and he turned to see who it was.

"Run along now, Mr Lennon. Wouldn't want to keep your aunt waiting, now, would we?" The man's kind eyes twinkled down at him as he adjusted the leather bag slung over his shoulder.

"Yes, Principal Epstein." John nodded, not really feeling up to making jokes or pissing the man off. Epstein was unfailingly kind to John, and saw the potential in him - even when John himself, did not - and always encouraged him to pursue things or get back on track when he was losing his way. It was probably the reason why he was still at the school and not expelled after being such a troublemaker 24/7. He secretly looked up to Brian, even if he enjoyed getting on him and the staff's nerves.

"I've heard you and that Paul have had some problems getting along. I hope you're trying your best to make him feel welcome at this school." Brian's demeanour turned strict for a moment as they began walking to the front doors. John felt his ears burn with embarrassment.

"Of course I am!" He protested, pushing open the doors and stepping onto the pavement.

"Alright. I'll take your word for it. Goodbye, John," The principal just sighed before nodding goodbye and leaving John alone on the front steps.

How can I explain to them that Paul doesn't exactly make it easy on me either? He thought bitterly to himself, hands shoved in his pockets. Lifting his gaze, he scanned the front area to see if Paul was there, that nervous sort of hope tightening his throat again at the prospect; but upon closer inspection, he noticed the doe-eyed boy was nowhere to be seen.

Disappointment hung like a rain cloud over his head. Of course, he hadn't really expected the boy to be there, I mean - they fought constantly and the last time they spent time together was inherently awkward and ended in yet another fight. Why would have Paul subjected himself to that again (any more than he had to, at least)? But... he still felt disappointment tug at his sinking heart. He had almost hoped that he would be there. But he wouldn't admit that to himself, of course. Not yet. Pulling himself together, he adjusted the guitar case on his back. No need to get in a twist over it! At least there are now less hours spent fighting with him. He might as well go home and enjoy himself.

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