25 ;; ice cream

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/ a/n ; bros thank u so much for over 400 votes and 5k reads !! like fr that means so much to me thank u guys for the support and the comments for this story <3 hope u enjoy this chapter !! i wanted to write fluff like aHH god this is just some hella fluff so enjoy (:

"Goodness' sake, John. Wake up!"

"Alright, alright.."
John grumbled as he rolled onto his side, eyes still determinedly shut tight in order to drive out the sunlight that was threatening to worm its way past his eyelids. The last wisps of his dream that he couldn't remember were whisking away from his mind, leaving him with nothing but the reality of going to school that Friday morning. His hands roamed the small lasting area of the bed that he hadn't occupied, seemingly looking for something - but when they came up empty, his eyelids flew open quickly, all previous exhaustion forgotten. He blinked, stomach sinking with disappointment when he saw that the bed was empty save for him. He had almost expected that Paul would still be in bed with him. There was still a modicum of warmth within the sheets, meaning it hadn't been that long ago when he'd left, and he rested his hand on the warm patch for a moment before slowly sitting up. He still had to go to school.
His heart leapt in his chest with anxiety; Paul was going to be there, most likely. What were they going to do? How were they going to act? Was Paul just going to pretend that nothing had ever happened? How were they supposed to act around each other? His mouth gaped in a yawn and he stretched his back as far as he could, enjoying the satisfying crack of his spine before forcing himself out of bed, cringing when his bare feet met the cold floorboards (much like Paul had done only hours before). Were they going to tell George and Ringo? What even were they at that point? Were they friends with benefits or actual boyfriends? John hoped for the latter, but he didn't want to pressure Paul. It seemed like a new thing for him, and he didn't want to pressure him into a relationship so soon if he wasn't ready for it. So he would leave it be for a week or so, and see how it went. Paul might not even want to be with him at all. Maybe it was just a passing fancy for him.

After more 'encouragement' from Mimi, he got himself dressed and brushed his teeth, spending much more time on his appearance than he usually would, feeling compelled to - he knew what the reasoning for it was, but John refused to admit it to himself - and after about half an hour of determinedly trying to tuck the rebellious last strands into the mass of the quiff, he just gave up, staring down at himself in the mirror. He chewed on his bottom lip anxiously for a moment before taking a deep breath.

"Aye, Paul." He spoke into the mirror, forcing himself to smile and picturing that the younger boy was in front of him. "Um.. want a smoke?" He paused. "Ready for Mr Walkers' lectures?" He sighed to himself, shaking his head, realising how insane he looked. "The fuck am I doin'?" With that, he chucked his blazer over his shoulder and exited the bathroom, making his way down the stairs and into the kitchen, where Mimi was sliding eggs onto a pair of buttered toast. His stomach felt as if it was curdling like milk, and he didn't think he could even manage to eat any food. But seeing that Mimi had even poured him a cup of orange juice made him feel guilty, and he would force himself to nibble at it, for her sake.

"Thanks, Mimi." He smiled genuinely in her direction before sitting at the dinner table, beginning to eat the food. His leg bounced incessantly the entire time, feeling filled with nervous energy and unable to stop his fingers and feet from tapping.

"That's alright." She stood next to him for a few seconds, and he could feel her eyes on him. "Are you alright? You seem nervous."

"Fine, fine." He responded a little too quickly, busying himself with the food in order not to see his aunt's reaction.

"Right..." She strolled away back to the kitchen, high heels clacking against the tiles. Unable to eat any more, he carried the plate and his cup into the kitchen and placed it on the counter before slipping on his blazer. And in a spontaneous moment of affection, he kissed Mimi on the cheek and said his goodbyes, hurrying out of the house and ignoring her curious and bewildered gaze that followed him out.

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