6 ;; forthlin road

675 26 43

"God, 'm so unbelievably tired.." John blinked, eyelashes sticking together, vision blurry with sleep; his thoughts were jumbled and seemed to move as slow as he was at that moment. Not even the crisp early morning breeze seemed to shake the warm cloaks of sleep from him, nor the takeaway tea Ringo had bought for him on his way to school. It was a tradition on their to-school trips; Ringo went past the local cafe every morning to their meetup spot and usually would buy coffees or teas for both of them. Sometimes muffins or cookies if they're lucky.

"Stayin' up all night thinking of Paul, huh?" Ringo took a sip of his own drink - karma was on John's side, however - when his friend spluttered and cried out as his tongue got viciously struck with boiling brew.

"Hah! That's what ya get for sayin' things like that." He snickered at the older's demise.

"Shut up. 'm right and you know it," He grinned impishly at the other.

"Whatever." John shrugged, taking a careful sip of his own tea. His stomach rumbled, and he realised just then that he had forgotten to eat breakfast in his exhausted rush to not be late. Unfortunately Ringo was right in the fact that he had stayed up thinking of Paul. Not really!! Just.. wondering whether he had any more chords to teach John. Not that he needed the younger to teach him anyway. He didn't need Paul.

Lifting his head, he was grateful that his drink had helped wake him up a bit as he gazed at the sky above. It was milky with a blanket of clouds, not a single patch of blue in sight. The breeze stirred crimson and honey leaves scattered like lost memories on the pavement below him; he watched as yet another leaf twirled down from the trees planted along the streets, drifting past him only to land in a puddle at the gutter. He suspected it would rain more soon. Autumn was usually a rainy season.

"Can you believe our education is almost over already?" Ringo spoke up, cutting through their comfortable silence as they made their way to their school. "We're going to be fully-fledged adults."

"I know," John shivered with excitement at the thought. "we can get our own places. I don't have to be pestered by Mimi all the time."

"Are you still wantin' to do that band thing you always go on about?" His friend side-eyed him curiously.

"Yeah, 'course. Yer the best drummer in all of Liddypool, and Stu's the..." he trailed off. He could see Ringo's lips twitch up in amusement. "alright-est bassist in Liddypool. And I'm the best guitarist. We're all set, man! I can already see America in me sights." He held a hand to his brows as if they were standing before the country right then and there.

"I dunno.." Ringo paused. The younger could see he was worried of pissing him off when his next words were chosen carefully. "Stuart was never so keen on band-related things. He always said he had a passion fer art and that. He definitely seems to enjoy the one optional art class we have at our school."

"Yeah. He was always the artist type. Honestly, he should have gone to an art school - not here." John's brows furrowed. "But 'e's the only bassist we got. Both Pete's are even worse than him at bass. I don't want 'em in our band, anyway. They're not willin' to really commit,"

"Yer right on that. We'll just have to keep optimistic, eh?" Ringo nudged his shoulder with a reassuring smile.

"Optimistic. Yeah." The other nodded, but his eyes reflected the troubled thoughts within.

The Less I Know The Better [complete]Where stories live. Discover now