31 ;; confrontations

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By the end of the week, John's sickness had cleared up pretty much completely. Even though he'd thoroughly enjoyed his time at home and was certainly not feeling enthusiastic about going back to school, he still managed to haul himself from the beguiling jungle of his bedsheets and dress in his uncomfortable school clothing - tie loose and top button undone, as always, along with his shirt untucked (he had to exercise his rebellion in some way or another!) - before basically inhaling his jam toast and leaving Menlove Avenue in a chaotic sweep of anxiety and exhaustion. Mimi had sensed his buzzing nerves and had tried to press him about it, but he didn't give in, and eventually she let him be. He couldn't ever tell her the real reason he was agitated; she'd never really understand, for one, and for another obvious reason, it concerned Paul and their relationship. He despised talking about all that kind of stuff, anyway. Feelings and shit? Who needs 'em?

Even though it seems I can't ever escape them, John thought with a bitter furrow of his eyebrows. Aside from all that, he had one clear goal in his mind: confront Stuart about Kevin and try to get the truth from him no matter what. He hated the way that it had scared Paul away from him and the new tenseness of their relationship. He just wanted what they had back, fuck everyone else (especially Kevin). Life was determined to make it hell for John, but damn it he was even more determined to overcome it. He'd had Paul once - he wasn't gonna let him slip away under any circumstances.
He saw that only Ringo was waiting at their usual spot this time, smoking and looking a little agitated as he glanced this way and that; he couldn't ignore the twinge of disappointment at seeing only one of his friends present. Was his shitty, jittery mood scaring them away? Did they not want to hang out with him anymore?
When his older friend spotted him, a relieved sigh mingled with smoke escaped from his lips and he hurried over to greet him - John was about to query him about the absence of George and Paul, but Ringo seemingly understood what he was going to ask and spoke before he could open his mouth.

"Sorry, they didn't want to wait 'cause school's about to start. Paul was adamant about not being late. We figured you weren't comin' to school, but I stayed to wait just for a few more minutes." The words flew out hastily as they picked up their pace along the footpath, the auburn-haired boy having to jog to keep up with Ringo's quick footsteps.

"'S fine. I have somethin' to do, anyroad." John took to a halfhearted run - he had to catch up with Stu before he would go to class. He didn't give a toss about being on time, but he was impatient and wanted to speak to him before recess, and he wasn't about to try and pluck him from his lesson.

"Are you gonna talk to Paul?" Ringo puffed as they hurried through the streets, nearing their destination in time to hear the bell ringing, indicating that class was beginning. They made their way through the gates, John watching the last stragglers of kids that dragged themselves to class, most flicking cigarette butts away or pulling themselves out of some secret makeout session behind the bushes. They were ascending the steps to the front doors when they burst open and he slammed into someone, and he would've been knocked to the ground had he not gripped onto the railing to steady his fall. He blinked for a moment before recognising who it was - quickly dodging out of the way with a muttered 'sorry' was Stuart.

"Ah, perfect timing." A veil of geniality masked the slow-simmering indignation just below the surface as he gripped Stuart's wrist firmly and began to tug the feebly protesting boy down the steps. "See you at recess, Rings. I need to have a chat with Stu here." He called back to his friend - who was watching them with apprehensive bewilderment, but only waved and turned to disappear into the building.

"John, what-" Stuart tried weakly to tug his wrist out of the other's grip, but failed and decided to just go along with it, staring at John with a slightly annoyed grimace. "This better be good if you're draggin' me away from class."

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