No chances

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Hawks POV:

We came running after that kid disappeared on us. He just ran out using his goddamn quirk as well to just phase through a damn door and wall so he would loose us. Then again, we knew more than anyone else how desperate that kid was. 

Something about him was different. From what I heard he was one to always smile and Lemillion should have been happy but from what I could see he was the total opposite. Tired and at the end of his powers if you asked me.

Me: What a fucking idiot!

Endeavor: Let's find him first.

Me: I know!

This was how we all went after the kid. Not that he didn't had assassins going after his head... I mean we all knew that and yet he just ran out to fight. A true hero for some people but in our eyes he was just foolish. No one could save everyone and that included himself. He had to get that in his own head but that may or may not be quite difficult.

How can he be this stupid!

One sign that All for One is there and gone he is!

Seriously what's with the youngsters nowadays!

Do they have a death wish or something?


Better find him soon!

There is a fine sum of money on his head...

Everyone will go after him!

While it didn't took us quite long to find the boy, we also found him in a very dangerous situation. Not many may know that villain but I did. He was quite know as the Slayer in the hero commission since he wouldn't even blink before going after a hero he deemed as danergous, unworthy or even just for money. He would do it no matter what. The scary thing about it was that he would always succeed as well.


This is dangerous!

Me: We have to get Mirio out of there!

Endeavor: You have an idea!

Me: Noo but you know who that is?

Endeavor: Tsk! Do I look blind!

Indeed it was soo obvious but no one really dared to say the name out. The olny thing we didn't know was what to do now... I still couldn't fly after killing one of the LOV and then get my wings burned down. It was necessary and I wasn't regretting it at all but the probem was that I was soo sure that I wouldn't be able to fly this fast there to get Mirio out of it.

Endeavor: FUCK!


Before I could even react I saw the needles of light around Mirio. This was over for sure and yet we all hoped that he would survive this somehow.

Me: I am going!



This is bad!

I have to get him out of this!

Just a bit faster!





We all knew about Mirios quirk and it was the only one which could safe us from All for One. This much was logical after All Might's secret got exposed to us heroes. However as much as that might be true, we were soo close to losing our own hero right there and right now. It was our only hope and yet there was nothing we could do about it.

It all went soo fast.

First the light needles....

Then the blood that was dripping down...

Mirio started too fall and then Slayers wings...


I watched Slayers wings start to light up and glow until they exploded and caught fire. It was not only them but it came from his chest too. If this wasn't killing him then I didn't know what else. The problem here was that this person for sure knew where All for One would be.

This is our only chance....

Our hope...


And if it is just one of them!


One of them has to survive!

People may say what they wanted about Slayer but I knew it better. He never went after heroes who didn't had dirt on them at all. There was also a time where I started to investigate him and try to find out who he was.... it was only then that I found his file closed off and archived in the hero commission database. He was created.... His parents death was something the hero commission were at fault and after that everything that came was connected to heroes.... I somehow could understand that person but I also knew that this wasn't the way...

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