Look at the birdy!

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It was the moment I found out of the shadows and started to move away from the building that I heard something behind me. Suspiciously as it was, it sounded as if someone just fell down but it was to light for debris. The footsteps that followed made it all to clear.

A fucking person just dropped down and actually was trying to catch me off guard. Too bad for them that this isn't working on me at all.


You think I won't notice you?!

Guess what?

You decided to rob the wrong person.

The moment I turned around, I had my wing overlaying with my arm which was pointing at the person. My feathers were sharp after I tensed them up.

Me: Hahahaha you gotta be kidding me!

Hawks: Wow! I am not here to hurt you!

Says the hero who tried to get behind me and surprise me.

Why the hell should I believe in any word you say?

You are a damn hero after all!

Me: Sure!

Hawks: Here! See!

As if dropping the sword and removing any weapon on himself would proof his point, he also put his hands up and looked at me. I would be damned if I would trust a hero. The reason why he was still here was suspicious. There wasn't a reason he should be here at all!

Me: You waited... Why?

Hawks: Well feathers... How about relaxing? I am just here to talk.

Me: Says the chicken who is also a hero.

Hawks: What's up with everyone calling me a damn chicken.

Me: Oh sorry, rooster you're not female after all.

Hawks: Soo not the point.

Me: Sure whatever.

Hawks: Listen, I am here on behalf of every hero. You are the only one who just managed to injury AfO.

Me: And that is surprising why?

Hawks: We've been trying to get a lead of his whereabouts up until now. You can help us.

Me: Not interested.

Hawks: Feathers please! The society needs you, the peo-

Me: Stop right there.

I put my wing away and I was sure that my eyes were glaring at him but that didn't matter at all to me. This person was basically urging me and pleading as well as bagging me to go with him and do whatever he wanted.

Not with me!

I wasn't one to go with them!

Why the heck should I even go?

Now the thing was.... This chicken might have been on his ownhere but I knew that where one hero was, there were other to follow too. Especially when there is a villain like me who is their hope now.

Me: I am not interested. I don't care about this society. The people could all die for all I care. We are damned anyways.

Hawks: Why?... No... What do you want?

Me: What?

Hawks: You are an assassin. So name your price for the job.

As I startes to walk away, his words made me stop in track and look back at him. Was this chicken for real. Was he joking now? He surely had to be since this didn't make any sense. They were willing to pay me to kill All for One. The man everyone wanted to see dead.

Me: What do you have to offer? Do you even think you can offer anything valuable enough for me to do it and accept your commission?

Hawks: Freedom.

Me: Hahahaha as if I don't have it right now.

Hawks: You will be chased everywhere you go. Is this really what you want. I can make it so that your records are clean again.

Me: And why would you do that? What tells me that you won't betray me like All for One?

Hawks: I won't.

Me: Mh... Yeah... Not buying that at all.

Hawks: Then name it! Anything.

He sounded quite desperate but that wasn't my problem at all. I had my own fair share of problems right now and one included that I was tired and just died a couple of moments ago.

It is really too good not to take up the offer.

I would kill two birds with one stone if I say yes.

But that would be a dangerous game.

I lost a life already.

If I lose this one, I would be dead....


I don't want to die yet!

This is dangerous!

Me: Forget it.

Hawks: What about a safe place feathers! I can give you one.

Me: Again why should I beli-

I really wanted to say something more but I felt soo dizzy all of the sudden. It was clear to me that this was the consequences of overworking my newfly undead body. I mean I just got new powers, my wings were also able to get sharp now and I did everything out of instincts. Never was I able to do these things before but the ability and the quirk came natural to me as if I had it all my life.

So the moment I stopped talking, I was also stumbeling to the side a bit to regain balance. This chicken might not have a lot feathers on him but he had enough to send some to aid me not to fall over.

Hawks: You need rest!

Me: None of your buisness!

Hawks: Feathers, we need you. Like it or not, we have to work together.

Me: Why would I do this? I will not trust a traitor like you.

Hawks: I-

Me: Save it chicken. I heard enough.

Hawks: .... I'll give you life!

Me: Say what now?

Hawks: I said, I'll give you my life in exchange.

Me: And why would I need that?

Hawks: I will always protect you and nothing will be able to harm you. Would that be enough to make you help us?

Me: You do realize that I was about to go after All for One myself, right?

Hawks: Yes... but you are our only chance and we want to help you out. You need alies and I am the best one you can get.

Me: Very funny. Now tell me what is hindering me to just walk away?

Hawks: Nothing.

Me: You sure there are not other heroes around?

Hawks: I am on my own. I saw you fight Lemillion and I saw how you reacted... you've been betrayed more than once... Listen I wouldn't be here saying this if I don't think you can be saved and that we need a person like you right now.

Second Chance to KillWhere stories live. Discover now