A shimmer of hope

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Hawks's POV:

Right after we got Lemillion, and that chicken just dipped on me, I was left there quite speechless. I mean he was definitelly falling. That greenette definitelly died and yet his wings suddenly changed black and he was dropping, no he was wilingly gaining speed to avoid me and dip into the shadow. Come to think about it that shadow like ability was not something he should have.

What just happened?

This is ...


What just happened?

Where did he go?


Did he actually hid that quirk?

Didn't we know all about it?


I don't think that is it.

Then what did I whitnessed right now?

While I was still there looking at my own shadow, I heard te heroes behind me. They were all screaming and panicking. I knew what that meant. It was too late for the kid to be saved. He was doomed and it was the Slayer who got the kid. The moment we got there the whole story was over. There was no escaping it for sure.

It was also that noise and the chaos that got me back to the present. Rigth after I got to my sensees, I ran towards Mirio and the other heroes standing there. They looked sad and I felt the atmosphere dropping.

Me: Is he...

Endeavor: SHIT!

Me: Soo what now?

I had to ask the one thing no one dared to ask at all. I mean it was a valuable question. No one of us knew what to do now since our  last hope died. No that wasn't true. I felt it, that person, that greenette, Slayer! He was our answere to the problem besides he wasn't really villainous to say the least. I killed people as well and am still considered being a hero.


He managed to kill Mirio this easily...


He might be able to actually pull this off and kill All for One.

But how should I get to him?

I do think it is the hero commissions fault who created his villain persona...

So how should I get him to the good side.

He deserves a chance like everyone else.

Plus he never really killed innocent people at all.

Right when I was starting to overthink things, the monitor on the buildings and every single one which was around us, turned on. This was the show AfO always did right before telling us that he succeeded and no one could stop him. He was such a showman. However no one of us really thought to see that green bean in the TV popping up right behind AfO.

Me: ... No way...

How did he get there?

He was just..

And what's up with the sharp feathers?

They were fluffy and soo beautiful before.

This is not something he could do.

Did his quirk change?


The better question is how did he survive that?

He should be dead...

AH forget it!

He is our only hope right now and he also should get a chance to redeem himself as well.

Endeavor: What the...

We could only watch as Slayer hurt AfO and declared him his next victim. It was just something straight out of a movie. It also kinda felt like a joke since no one really could beat AfO but in the deepest pit of my gut, I knew he could. In fact this boy might be the only hope left we got. The only question was how would I get him to actually cooperate.

Me: ...

Endeavor: ....

Me: ...

Endeavor: Did we just..

Me: Yeah...

Endeavor: Who is this kid?

Slayer didn't had a mask on which made it clear how young he was but even if he was young he was still old enough for the law to count for him as well. The big problem right now was that I wanted to speak to him and that meant I needed to find him first.

This was how I stayed behind at the place having a feeling and trusting my own instincts that he would be back. Even if he just survived that, it didn't mean that he was okay. If anything he should be dead beat about right now and I wanted to be on his good side.


Let's way here for him.

I am sure he will come back here...



There must be a way for me to talk to him.

We need him right now and he needs protection as well.

Declaring war to AfO means death...

If he doesn't want protection, ama do something to make sure he stays safe....

Me: Whelp... let's wait and see it out.

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