Crush on you!

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I was speachless. What he just said didn't make any sense at all to me. Why in the world would he as a hero kill someone?

Me: You?

Hawks: Yes. You got a problem with that?

In fact multiple!

How in the world will you kill these people?

Me: Heroes don't do that.

Hawks: Desperate times need desperate measurements and I know that you know that as well feathers.

Me: ... You want to tell me something?

What is he getting at.

Does he know my past?


Of course he knows my past so he knows my grudge on herores for sure!

Hawks: It was necessary for you to get the money, wasn't it.

Me: So what if it was. Am I not allowed to dream of a nice life?

Hawks: Then why not accept our offer.

Me: Heroes never play by the rules and they never care for others.

Hawks: Is this because of your family?

Me: I knew it. You investigated me before approaching me. Not dumb at all.

Hawks: I didn't do much but I wanted to know why you became a villain and why you only hunt down heroes until I saw the connection.

Do I hear sadness coming from him?


I must imagine things!

Me: Oh really. You saw it.

Hawks: Mh. You only hunt herores down who exploid their employees like your mother and father were until they died.

Me: ... Pfff...

Hawks: I am right, am I not.

Me: Yes and so what? They deserved it as no one wanted to do anything for them or against these heroes besides I never killed a hero with a white jacket on themselves.

Hawks: I know that as well. So I came to the conclusion that you are more an anti-hero then a hero yourself and you may not know this but I am also not someone with a clear west myself.

Me: I know. You killed Twice.

Hawks: I did and I killed so many more too.

And here I hoped it was not true...

Me: All because of the hero commission. I know my stuff Keigo.

Hawks: How do you- That's not important. You know my name and I know yours feathers. Still I prefer calling you this way and I'll stay like this.


Since when did he even start calling me feathers to begin with?

Me: Thanks cause I don't like my name.

Hawks: Thought so.

Me: Shall we now.

Hawks: We shall.

I let go of the hero and up until now I was basically holding and pinning him down on the ground with me being on top to him. He seemed to enjoy this situation too much and I also enjoyed it. You know there was really a time I had such a crush on this bird. I even dreamed of having him as my boyfriend but now, I wasn't so sure what I wanted. The feelings where still there but did I really wanted this?

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