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(Soffia's Pov)
3 days later

I wake up with my alarm blaring next to me. Groaning, I reach for my phone and turn off my alarm. Stretching my body, I sit up and get out of bed. Heading over to my dresser to pick an outfit, I grab a pastel-striped sweater, purple jeans, some underwear, and socks. Why did Monday have to come so fast? I just want to stay in bed.

heading to my bathroom I set my clothes down on the counter, turning on the shower. I wait for the water to heat up and brush my teeth. I got in the shower and let the hot water run on me for a bit before washing my hair. I turn the water off and step out of the shower, wrapping a towel around me.

I grab my hair dryer, dry my hair, put it half up and half down, and curl it. Looking myself over in the mirror, I'm so nervous today. It's a small town, so that means everyone already knows everyone. I'm probably going to be the talk of the whole school, which I don't want. Social anxiety really stinks. Closing my eyes, I take a breath and get dressed for the day.

After I finish getting ready, I grab my backpack and phone and head downstairs to grab some food. Seeing a note on the fridge saying that mom has already left for work, I grab some fruit and eat it while watching videos on my phone. Quickly putting my bowl in the sink, I slip on my purple shoes and grab my keys.

I'm so glad Mom had my car shipped here before we moved. I get in the car, plug my phone into the aux, and listen to music while I drive to school. Arriving at school, I get out of my car and grab my bag. Shutting my door and locking it, I throw my keys in my bag.

I hate that I'm starting in the middle of the semester. Rolling my eyes, I walk into the school. Bumping into someone, I quickly mumble out an apology, "It's okay, no worries," the girl says awkwardly. "I'm new here I don't know where I'm going exactly," I say to her. "Same todays, my first day, names Bella," she says to me, smiling softly at her. "Soffia, nice to meet you and glad I'm not alone," I say with a chuckle.

Bella and I decided to walk together and look over each other's schedules. Bella and I have our first four classes together and lunch, then we part ways for our fifth class, and we have gym together last. "You're Soffia Carson and Isabella Swan, the new girls hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place if you need anything, I'm your guy," some guy says coming up behind us. Bella is the first to say something: "Uh, I'm really kind of the "suffer in silence" type," she says to Eric.

I quickly agree to Bella. Eric says something about us being on the school paper, and Bella quickly shuts it down. Bella and I walk away from Eric and head to class. The day goes by pretty quickly, and it's already lunch, so Bella and I head to the lunch room.

Walking, we hear someone call our name and look to see that it's Eric "Bella! Soffia!" Over here!" he yells to us, and walking over to the table, Mike pulls out a chair for Bella. Well, I take a seat next to her. Mike and Eric mess around, and I just watch amused. After a bit, a girl shows up and takes a picture of Bella and me. "What was that?" I say annoyed at the girl she looks at me and says, "Sorry, I needed it for the feature."

I hear Eric mumble about how the feature is dead and Bella talking about a different idea for it. Well, they are talking. I notice a group of people outside walking to the lunch room. "Who are they?" I ask, getting everyone's attention, "The Cullens," the girl who took our picture earlier says whose name I learned is Angela.

"They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullens' foster kids. "They moved here from Alaska a few years ago," Jessica, the girl that I met in class earlier, says, nodding as they talk. I look at the Cullens as they walk in. "The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big, dark-haired guy, Emmet, they're a thing I'm not even sure if that's legal," Jessica says to Bella and me.

"They aren't actually related." Angela says, "But they live together." I roll my eyes because couples live together. What's the difference? "The little dark-haired girl, that's Alice, she's weird, she's with Jasper, the blonde who looks like he's always in pain." Jessica says, she keeps blabbering on about Dr. Cullen and the family.

Not caring to listen to Jessica anymore, I look over at the short girl with a pixie haircut, whose name I learned is Alice, and notice that she and Jasper were the two people I saw in the diner the other day. Snapping out of my thoughts when I realize Alice is staring back at me with a smirk, I quickly look down with a blush on my cheeks.

"Are you okay, Soffia?" I hear Bella ask from beside me, and looking at her, I nod and give her a smile. "Yeah, I'm okay." After lunch is finished, Bella and I head to our classes. Bella heads to biology. I say bye to Bella and tell her I'll meet her at the gym and head to my class. I have art now I'm really passionate about art and photography and wanted to take at least one art class this semester.

Walking into the classroom, I take a seat at an empty table and set my bag on the ground next to me. Looking out the window, I wait for the class to start. After a couple minutes, I hear the bell ring, indicating that class is starting, and I notice Alice Cullen walk in and come up to where I am sitting. "Do you mind?" she asks, "of course not," and I respond back with a smile.

She takes a seat and smiles sweetly towards me, "Alice Cullen, You must be the new student Soffia," she says, holding out her hand, taking her hand in mine. I shiver at the feeling of her cold hands. "That's right," I say to her. Pulling my hand away from her grasp, I smile, but in the back of my mind there's a part of me that didn't want to let go.

After the class finished, I mumbled a goodbye to Alice and walked out of class quickly. I headed to the gym and waited for Bella to show up. Bella walks up to me "Do I smell?" She asks me awkwardly, and I look at her confused. "No, you smell fine why?" I ask her. "No reason, I just wanted to know," she responds well, walking into the gymnasium.

After we finish the last class of the day, Bella and I head to our cars. Before we part ways, Bella types her number into my phone and gets in her truck. I smile and wave at her and get into my car, throwing my bag onto the passenger's side. Starting my car, I head home. Arriving home, I see mom's car is still not here and head inside to make myself a snack.

Finishing up my snack, I decide to do my homework and put on Grey's Anatomy. In the middle of doing my homework, I think back to art class earlier and how cold Alice's hands were and how pale she is how pale the whole family is. Maybe they just have low iron or something, I wonder to myself, shrugging as I finish up my homework.

Putting my homework away, I quickly change into pajamas and plug my phone in. Letting my laptop play in the background, I grab my stuffed polar bear, cuddling into him and think about Alice, trying to figure out why she was so cold.

Soffia's Outfit

This is Soffia's Car it's a pastel pink jeep wrangler

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This is Soffia's Car it's a pastel pink jeep wrangler.

This is Soffia's Car it's a pastel pink jeep wrangler

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