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His body screamed pain ,
While his eyes reflected love and care.

Author pov:

The rain stopped on their way,
Yn was carrying him,the sobs died down and soon cute snores were heard,she chuckled and smiled mesmerized by her smiling and chuckling after a long time,she felt the change in her.

Soon they reached her apartment where she lives with her brother , she rang the bell , soon a cat faced man opened it , his eyes wandered around her and very likely as she expected his eyes widened , when he was ready to speak the girl shushed him , he nodded and moved aside so they can get in.

She took the man in her arms to their guest room and laid him down , she came out of the room and asked her brother to change his clothes.

Yoongi pov.

A lot of questions were in my mind and none of them had an answer , I felt changing his clothes as the first priority i took some of my clothes and entered the guest room to change his clothes.

While changing i noticed scars and thought to inform it to yn.

I went out after changing his clothes i found yn with a dry towel as she is using it to dry her hair.

I explained her about the scars , asked her how she found him , she answered my questions.

Yn pov.

After explaining the situation i went to make ramen noodles for me and my brother while preparing i thought about the guy he didn't have any slippers nor anything and feet looked bruised like he ran a long distance.

I served my brother his bowl , and i went into my room to get first aid box , when i came out , i looked at my brother and found his eyebrows crashed , he was confused , so he followed me to take a look of what's going on.

I went near him the man that slept in the bed of our guest room , i lifted the blanket near his feet and aimed to do basic first aid to heal them.

After completing it i saw my brother standing near the door his arms crossed. I shrugged my shoulders and went to eat.

After eating we went to sleep not wanting to wake him , he looked as if he wanted more sleep than food , so i didn't wake him up but i did make sure to keep a water bottle and some fruits near his bed.

Time skip

A/n pov.

The boy opened his eyes after having a great sleep and turned to the other side to strech his body. His doe eyes opened for a new beginning.

He heard a 'click' sound soon a girl in her mid twenties entered the room and found him awake , she went near him , he sat up with obedience she frowned and sat near the bed. Her sweet voice soon spoke,

" What's you're name sweet heart? "

" Jungkook. " replied a baby voice.

" What a sweet name for a sweet baby. And i am yn."

She said and introduced herself and he blushed.

She noticed it and Chuckled and said,
" Come let's have breaky . "

He frowned and replied ,
" What's a breaky ? "

She giggled and said,
" It's a short cut for breakfast honey. "

Flustered with all the nick names she gave him he caught end of the hoodie and said,
" Thank you for saving me. "

She nodded and they went down and yeah he remembers everything and is quite comfortable and yet shy with her.

Jungkook pov.

I went down with her and found a man in the kitchen and turned towards yn and she nodded while assuring that she knew him.

A/n pov.

His past experience made him fear 'men'.
They all sat on the dinning table for dinner
Yoongi introduced himself and same goes with jungkook.
While having dinner yoongi said,
" Tell me about yourself. "

Jungkook mustered his courage and said,
" I am a hybrid , bunny hybrid to be precise. "


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