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This is pure fiction.
No hate to idols.
At the end of the day it's a story.

A/n pov.

"There there ! Move it a bit , yes ". Said a voice . The movers shivered hearing her voice which sounded like a rawr of tiger while they were fixing her sofa in a place.

"Don't tense them that much y/n". Said another voice which was more softer than her.

She turned to the side she heard the voice and soon her facial expressions were relaxed then she replied saying
" there you are ,yoongi how many times do you want me to remind you to not go somewhere without informing me? "


A/n pov.

Their is a boy who was running on the road to save his life . The place was deserted he couldn't find a single person that he could seek help from.

Soon he reached city outskirts, he was looking for help , just then he sensed danger , him being new to the outside world ,took everything as a sign of danger.

Jungkook is the name of the guy that was running to save his life, he decided to go and hide at the back of building. The place looked shabby with all the cardboards laying on the ground with some plastic bags.

He sat there looking at nowhere, thinking how he is gonna face this world , they did teach him about the outside world , but it was all practical knowledge he did not experience it.

He reached to a place where they were were used as slaves.

Yes slaves they were prepared to become slaves, slaves of mankind.

That is what they teached them, they were curel enough to not only teach them that , but were also strictly instructed to not talk back when they face something against their consent.they were taught to keep quit at all times.

The world was curel to them just because they were different from the majority.

But not all were same there were few people that took care of them just like a family.

Not knowing what to do the poor guy laid his back on the cardboard soon fell a sleep due to tiredness.

Time skipped to night.

A/n pov.

The sound of water drops falling on the ground woke up the guy sleeping on the cardboard the cold air caused shivers to run along his spine.
He woke and looked around finding the place different from the place that he used to stay.and started shivering completely, not knowing what to do the poor guy started sobbing.

Y/n pov.

I went to a cvs to get some ramen noodle for me and my brother.
When i came out i saw rain pouring out.

I decided to take short cut and run cause i don't have any umbrella, i found none at the store.

While passing the road i heard a sob i thought to ignore it.

But something urged me to check it out.

I took my phone out and tuned on the flash as it was dark.

I found a guy curled up into a ball,i decided to tap his shoulder when i did he flinched and started crying out loud in fear not knowing what to do i call him out " love come to me , you are safe with me " he turned to face me and i was awestruck looking at that cute face.

He looked at me with his Bambi eyes and came to me.

I hugged him and took him in my arms i got up and soon he wrapped his legs around my waist , he was sobbing while hiding his face in crook of my neck.

I shushed him while patting his back.

Jungkook pov.

"Love come to me you're safe in my arms" said a girl's voice.

I turned my face to wards her and looked into her eyes , i wanted to trust her so i went into her arms , she got up so i wrapped my legs around her and hid my face in her crook of neck and cried my heart out as she patted my back.

They started walking away from that place.


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