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You're touches are as sensual as darkness,
I love you like i love  the darkness that invades me!


As the day passed with a little chaos, they soon slept while cuddling with eachother.

The next day she woke up with loss of heat from her boyfriend. Looking around she could not find him anywhere near her. Soon fear swept over her .

She soon felt tickling near her tummy by a small creature.when she looked under the blanket, she saw a small bunny curled into a ball near her tummy.

She awed at the site of him finally turning into his comfort zone.
She slowly brought him near herself and he soon snuggled towards her neck.

She chucked at him doing it even in his small form. Soon he moved back and placed his four legs on the bed and tilted his head looking at her with his eyes opened.

He yawned which is like a cute little action that splashed her with amusement. Soon after he looked at himself and zoned out.

Opening his eyes as if he had done a miracle. Even as a bunny she could sense his expression as if he was a human. He never failed to amuse her.

Soon he started jumping to move here and there. And soon he reached the door. Wanting to be out , he started kicking it trying to open it.

She took the liberty to open the door for him. When he jumped through the stairs and reached yoongi's room.

She understood him, he wanted to show himself to yoongi that he had finally converted to bunny.

Yoongi is hard to wake up. He only Wakes up when he want to, she didn't want to disappoint him so she knocked his door as hard as possible.

Receiving no reply, she decided to knock again, as her fingers reached the cold door, she felt a tug.

Jungkook tugged her pants with his mouth as his way of her to stop, nodding her head she brought him into her hands.


I groaned and opened the door while rubbing my eyes. Only to be welcomed by a cute bunny in the hands of my sister.

She looked at me, i took time to process the whole thing, of course she mentioned me about his past ,soon smile took over my shocked face and i slowly took him into my arms.

Caressing his back brought him closer to my face to which her returned by placing his face into my cheeck.

As an act of kiss.

I brought him towards the living room while yn prepared breakfast for me and some celery for this cute guy.

I took this time to observe him.

He had black furs which are soft as cotton. His eyes as black as the night. His nose with few stands of hair protruding , his ears tapered at the ends.

At last his body it was so small. Ofcourse hybrids age only when they are in their hybrid form.


I looked towards yoongi, i have never seen him this happy.

Sure Jungkook had brought happiness into our family. Soon i need to tell yoongi about my relationship with Jungkook.

Sighing i retured myself to preparing breakfast after looking at the duo.


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