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I love you so much that now,
I am afraid i will break apart.

⚠️️ Sensitive people i request you to stay out! This deals with m7rdér.


I am afraid about yoongi's reaction should I just tell him. These were my thoughts since we all gathered in dinning room. Now it's past the night and yoongi left for work.

I look towards my lap and continue to caress my bunny's hair. He shifted into bunny form and purely out of his head since he has ever seen me excited.

The particular shift he did really brought us joy as it's a sign for him to be extremely comfortable with us!

I remember the day i told everything about his past to yoongi. He seemed a bit surprised about him having that kind of past.

" The cute angel face did not deserve that. "

I giggle remembering the same exact words he said on that day! He also faced a lot with me.

The day he was abandoned was the same day he became my sole piece of reliability. He wasn't my blood related brother! Bonding with him was hard.

I still remember the day i was crying out loud at the steps of justice the court! Where i was abandoned by the criminal my father!

I still remember my mother's blood oozing out from her wound caused by my own father pushing knife into her, By our own kitchen knife! Never did the lifeless knife or me full of life thought that it would happen.

That was a terrific incident.

I was too terrified to move my legs, all she did was save me from him. I had no tears, i chose to run like a coward, i had no where to go.

I ran to police station, that's the only place i had to go to deal with this. I informed them about this! They immediately followed the protocol and soon.

The colony where i played with my mother was soo filled with police and hospital sirens carrying my mother to hospital and my father to jail.

My mother was dead.

I was pushed to present when i felt jungkook shaking me shouting my name.

I opened my eyes releasing tears i was holding, they fell on my hand. While jungkook is trying to hug me asking if i am okay!

I am still stuck in past. Stuck there! Where my life started to be a mess.whenever i am getting better they push me back to things that happened before!

I finally knocked out when i felt his tears on my neck hugging me tight! Asking me to calm down.

I hugged him back and caressed his back. And wiped my tears away,

" Babe, look at me! " i said while he slowly moved away from me he was sitting on my lap. He matched his doe eyes to mine.

I felt my stomach flip.

" See i am fine calm down my love. "
I received a reply he wasn't that one person to reply. He does it rarely.

" I was worried, you were not answering me! " He said and just placed his head into my neck sniffing it.

He does it to calm himself down.

" My love i am fine, you see me right i was just too involved in my dream. " I replied.

He nodded his head which was still into my neck causing it to tickle. I laughed.

He started to kiss me there! Leaving small kisses! I wonder who learned him this!

Like he is so innocent a minute and then he turns into this romantic version!

He moves away facing me looking in my eyes and pecked my cheeks and layed his head on my lap turning on the tv.

I just sat there looking through e-mails, working. But as soon as he realised i am working he got off me and sat on the couch.

I realised why he was doing it , to make me comfortable. I chuckled and kissed his lips and continued to work.

This guy is too much for my heart, way too understandable , literally myself i am breaking down into something that's not me.

And i like it!

I have to say this to yoongi! About our relationship. I will say that tonight while having dinner.


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