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I want you,
Just like,
You want me.

A/n pov.

They stopped eating and looked at the man who was bowing his head down.

The next scene had made yoongi more shocked when he saw yn's hand crawl towards jungkook's in order to comfort him.

Yoongi pov.

The scene shook the hell out of me , i found myself wide eyed at the situation , this is completely new yn that i am seeing , after a very long period i see her trying to comfort someone.

Y/n pov.

I don't know what took over me i just wanted to protect him , i find myself change every single time when i am with him.

A/n pov.

The boy looked over the owner of the hand with his doe eyes , not knowing what to do he started sobbing.

Soon his body jolted when he found a hand wrapping around his waist , he looked at her and snuggled into her warmth.

She got up from the chair with him in her arm and went to towards his new room , leaving the man with fur full of astonishment.

Y/n pov.

I took him to his room and sat on the bed with him on my lap.he tried to snuggle into my neck while i patted his back and head simultaneously.

Soon the sobs died down i took his face into my palms and wiped out the tear stains , and asked him what happed.

Jungkook pov.

I wanted to trust her from the core of my body none of these two felt like danger.

I started speaking while playing with her hoodie.
" When i was born my mother died right after giving birth to me , my father thought i was was the reason for her death , he just lost his mind when that happened. So he left me in a hybrid care , they were the one that told me all these happened.They grew me up untill i was 10 years old."

" Soon a family wanted me so they adopted me , they lived in the deserted area , starting they were so sweet , i was comfortable with them that i even shifted to a bunny and stayed in that form most of the time , as time flew i was 17 years old but then , they started quarreling i head shouts , screams , breaking sounds. "

He started sobbing while saying the next,

" One day both of them started quarreling because of me , the one that i called father started calling me names saying i am not worth it and my mom couldn't hear those as she loved me like her own son. "

" She started arguing and he started to hit her soon he turned towards me and started coming towards me not knowing what to do she protected me from him in that way he killed her while hitting her untill she no longer has life. "

He continued saying,
"Not known what to do i just ran from there and reached here."

I looked at her i saw her looking into nowhere and thinking about something. Just like that i laid on her chest to get warmth.

Y/n pov.

I was stunned to listen about his past it was almost same as mine , i witnessed a murder too.

I felt him lay his head on my chest I looked at him and start to caressing his brownish - black locks.

' I will never let him turn like me. ' shouted my inner self.

Soon i started speaking,
" I don't know what to say but i kind of had same past too. Feel free to come to me when ever you want to speak about something. Ok? "

He nodded and the next thing I did brought up blush on his cheeks , i pecked his forehead and cheeks.


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