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At night,
I only wanna be in you're arms.

A/n pov:

Yoongi knocked on the door, to hear nothing, he sighed and took out the keys under the plant pot.

Yn shifted to jungkook's side and started to push him towards her.

He opened the door and looked towards the couch. Seeing those two people curled up together.

Yoongi pov:

These two are much more than just friends? How do you name there relation.

Though she asked me get the adoption papers ready. There was something that bothered me the most.

We are broken so is he! Will we ever be able to take care of him? I don't know the answer.

This weekend is the day for family meeting. And these two should answer all my questions.

Sighing i looked towards my room and went towards it. Entering it i closed the door shut and changed my clothes into better and comfortable one's.

I came out to see yn covering jungkook with bedsheet while rubbing her eyes.

She looked at me and moved towards me and hugged me.

Y/n pov:

I have been missing yoongi, and he was the only one i turn to whenever i remember my past.

No one can deal me better than him. I wrapped my hand around his waist and placed my head on his chest.

I inhaled his scent and hugged him tight while he slowly patted my head and caressed my back.

We stayed like that for few minutes in silence. Later a thought striked me.

" Have you eaten yet kitten? " I wishpered into his chest.

He shook his head and pulled me more closer while i got more comfortable.

Pulling myself together. I moved away from him, and said
" Wait i will make you something, btw could you tuck jungkook in his bed."

He replied with a yes and carried him into his room and tucked him. I quickly prepared him some tteokbokki and placed it on
the table.

While i cut some fruits into dices and pair them up to look pretty for my pretty baby.

While yoongi eats i quickly grab he chopsticks and take a bite of his food. And move to jungkook's room with the bowl.

I shake him a bit and he wake up immediately tossing to sides and making grabby hands!

Asking me to hug him. I hug him chuckling and he releases me and sits straight i give him his bowl.

I gave him fruits cause he ate so much of junk before! I go out of the room by placing a quick peck on his lips, head and cheek.

He giggles while i chuckle. I go out and he soon follows me out and slowly whispers 'yoongi hyung'.

Yoongi turns towards him and replies.
" Yes! Gukkie ".

He smiles and sits beside yoongi while yoongi chuckles and ruffles his hair.

While jungkook and yoongi continues to eat. I say.
" Yoongi! Me and jungkook decided to get into relationship."

He looks at me and replied,
" I knew this would happen now or later. It's fine we will discus this during Sunday evening."

He says and i smile at him. Then jungkook interrupted us by,
" Hyung i wanna be a big boy! Teach me how to".

" Sure my boy! I will teach you that! " Said yoongi.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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