𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎

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currently redoing the first few chapters so if anything is different don't worry! The storyline is still the same.

Ahira's POV (pronounced A-he-raa)

After a week of being absent, there has been no change to this gruelling school. But, I need to show Father that I can do this.

Crooley Academy seemed to be an amazing idea in my head but, the students were a variable I hadn't taken into account before going into admission. Principal Dhara isn't too happy with me at the moment but as long as nobody gets on my nerves, I don't see a problem. I would like this month, September, to go well.

As I enter the school the bright lights seer my eyes, the modern architecture blends nicely with the older facilities within this place. The flooring is smooth which well reflects the natural light coming from the outside. The hallways were quite wide so, areas of sofas were placed in between the classrooms - which you could see through as the walls are made from glass.

Students slowly fill in the seating areas with coffees in their hands all of which came from the same place. Maybe I need to try out some food from 'Kate's Bakes' because I haven't seen a single student without a coffee cup or a pastry adorned by their signature logo.

Another thing I've noticed is the stares I'm receiving. I didn't even know half of these people existed yet here they are giving me looks and words of disgust, what an odd way to welcome a newcomer.

I know left a sour taste in a few people's mouths but since when does that give the right for people to call me foul words to my face? I believe this is all pathetic. Imagine defending a guy who doesn't even know your name. How embarrassing.

I walk past the faces and take a left into my registration room. My teacher, Mr Sumner, gives me a stern look.

"Ahira, you know you're not meant to be here. Go to Principal Dhara," he states firmly.

I raise my brows in surprise - I genuinely had forgotten. Though, I doubt the old man would believe me if I said anything of the sort. I turn on my heel and stroll through the hallway, a lot more students are in school than five minutes ago. The stares have only gotten worse.

I stand outside the Principal's door for a moment. What's the best way for her to like me?

Flowers? Chocolate? Money?

I almost want to scoff, my reputation is pretty much set in stone. There's no point trying to please a crowd of negativity. I would rather have them hate me and please myself than the other way around. The glares I've received from Mr Sumner and all the other kids around school only prove my point. Nothing I do will change their mind, that's how it's always been in my world.

Without knocking, I open the door. Principal Dhara looks into my eyes, I cautiously have a seat and wait for her next words. She doesn't seem angry but, I feel like she's the kind of woman to pop off if someone were to say the wrong thing to her.

"Hello Ahira." she smiles. She's wearing a tailored pantsuit with a light-blue blouse underneath, and her aroma of sweet vanilla fills the room with a Motherly ambience.

Although I believe most people deserve my disrespect, Principal Dhara is an exception. She's the woman with power and, she's made a renowned academy with it. I believe her Father too was the principal of this school before he retired. She's knowledgeable and rational with all of her decisions, I can't shame her for anything. Everything she's done is all justified.

"Hello miss," I reply.

She starts typing on her computer and taps one last button on her mouse before the printer turns on. The atmosphere in this room isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, it feels like a small rest from the hindrances outside her office.

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