𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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Ahira's POV

"Let me read out your pairs for today. We'll meet back here in time for dinner" my geography teacher announces.

The early morning wind blows through our hair, a morning in Iceland is nothing like in England. The sky is still dark, the floor is glazed with a sheet of ice and the air is silent, void of birds.

By some odd luck, Blake and Lydia are together. So, I'll probably be paired off with Kezia if Mrs. Anderson is in a good mood.

"Tassilo you're with Kezia,"

They both look at each other with a smirk on their faces. My face drops. I'm not even in Silas' geography class how are we paired together?

As predicted, Miss Anderson reads our names together before folding the paper and pushing it into her pocket.

"I'm so smart!" Tassilo praises himself.

"What did you do?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"I told Miss to put us in these pairs. Now, we can be together and work on all three tasks," he replies. Our faces relax and we look forward to our activities. But, Mrs Anderson's next words break my morale completely.

"You all will be further split into 3 different categories. Each of you will go to a different part of Iceland, accompanied by a teacher of course," she explains.

All 5 of us pan to Tassilo.

"What a dumbass," Kezia massages her temple.

At a moment's notice, we're all in 3 separate lines. Blake and Lydia are going to Hafnarfjörður, Tassilo and Kezia are going to Kópavogur and Silas and I will travel to Reykjavik.

"Miss I thought you said we would all be together," Tassilo queries.

"I never said that. Yesterday, you asked to change partners, not to change the categories each pair would be separated into. It's too late to change it now. We're already late," she shrugs her shoulders.

We all glare at Tassilo with angry eyes. I hear Blake curse something in Spanish while Silas broods in silence. Tassilo does nothing but raise his hands in guilt, though he still has a goofy smile on his face.

"Why didn't he put us in threes like Bea did?" Lydia whines to no one in particular.

We exchange goodbyes to each other before going into our separate cars. We're a small class so an eight-seater car fits each group perfectly. Everyone else who takes geography probably declined due to business affairs.

I drag my feet to the car and look into it. You've got to be joking. Middle seat?

I let out a sigh before stepping into the vehicle. There's an empty seat to my left and one of my classmates sleeping to the right. Cold air rushes through the car as the grey-eyed gremlin hops into the car. We haven't spoken but maybe this forced proximity is what we need to get along again.

"It's pretty cold this morning right?" I mention with an upbeat voice.

I'll be honest. The silence that followed after that question did indeed hurt my ego.

 Thankfully, the journey is short. I feel Silas glancing my way frequently but he makes no effort to talk. So, we look ahead and remain a small distance away from each other. The car comes to a halt outside a cafe. It's decorated with greenery and has a large coffee logo on its bannister in beige and white.

"You guys go in and order food, we have to leave at ten. Once you're done eating, you can look at the shops on this high street. Just remember to tell me first and keep your location on," Mr Dover states to our group from the front seat.

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