𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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This is my longest chapter so far of 3071 words! So buckle up for the ride:)

Silas' POV

I must have looked so stupid.

They must think I'm a bad teammate.

Where's the nurse?

I have to go out there to play.

There's no point I'll probably just mess up again.

"Fuck," I cover my face with my hands and take a deep breath.

It's happening again.

My bag's in the changing room, I don't have enough time to get my pills

I race towards the door, desperately trying to shut it, before crashing back onto the hard medical bed. Tremors grip my body. The ground starts to shake. A sense of impending doom takes hold. Oxygen struggles to make its way past my shrinking airways, the small breaths of air had now turned into large gasps of the ardent need for a breeze.

Curses leak from my mouth as the terror evades every inch of my body. Every time happens, I feel like I could die. But just as I reach that point, it all seems to stop.

"Silas? Is that you?" I hear her melodic voice from behind the door call.

What was Ahira doing here? She can't see me like this.

"Don't come in, I'm naked!" I spit out.

I rip off my shirt and stumble towards the sink. My heart races as my trembling hand turns the tap on. I cup my hands and splash my face a few times, the cold contrasts the heat of my face. I take in large pants for air.

"Why are you shaking so much?" I hear from behind me.

"What part of don't come in do you not understand?" I coldly remind. I turn around and lean my body onto the sink to look at her.

"I worked too hard on my arms while doing some weight training. We do it every Monday," I lie.

I silently pray that she believes the ridiculous lie, it was already hard enough explaining it to Blake and Tassilo. How would I explain it to a stranger who the only thing we have in common for each other is the fact that we both hate each other?

"I'm guessing that's how you got that cut on your face?" She taunts.

Without thinking, I use my fingers to find the cut before flinching at the contact of the wound.

"Dumbass," I watch her go to one of the drawers before taking a few items from it.

"Sit down," she points to the bed.

"I'm not letting you help me," my pulse significantly lowers as time goes on.

I barely know her, she shouldn't even be here. 

"It's either you have a really ugly infection on the side of your sweaty face or, you sit down and let me help you," She crosses her arm - she tends to do that a lot.

I roll my eyes before giving in to her orders.

She puts the stuff beside me and uses some tweezers and a cotton ball doused in alcohol to clean the area. She lets out a small grumble before standing up to her full length.

She lowers back down but this time, on my lap. She looks at me indifferently and continues to clean the area around the cut. I place my hands on both sides of her waist so she doesn't fall over. Her cool breathes fan my face, it was the first time where I could actually look at her face.

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