𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝙾𝚗𝚎

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I hope yall are happy with this chapter..I fell asleep phone in hand while drafting this chapter. ALSO THANKS FOR 3K VIEWS IM SOO HAPPYYY I DIDNT THINK THIS WAS POSSIBLEEE. Keep on voting to help me on the algorithim!


Once we sit at the table we read the menu. Not many restaurants are open at this time apart from those with a bar. The warm lighting along with the mellow conversations around us create a cosy atmosphere

"Do you think I should get a gorgeous coffee for a gorgeous girl?" Ahira jokes. I glare at her, that waiter and the patronizing noise that'd escape from his lips still lingered in my mind.

I ignore her remark and wave for someone's attention. We place our orders, ensuring it's not coffee, and then wait in silence. I watch Ahira tap at her phone aggressively. She's a girl composed of many things. She's complicated. But, I never hated that about her. I didn't want to get to know her at first (our Father's are rivals in the same industry) but, a little part of me is thankful that I was forced to.

It showed me the great, witty and beautiful things about her. I'm only unlucky to know some of the darker aspects of Ahira too. 

The bruises and scars make no sense. The foundation that transferred on my hand when I touched her thigh tonight is peculiar. Lastly, the talk she had with her mother. Something isn't adding up. She's far more fragile than she lets herself out to be. The girl in the bathroom mirror a few minutes ago and the girl I see at school are two completely different people. Just what is she hiding? And, do I even want to find out? 

Some days, I don't think I'm the right person to hold the knowledge I have about her. It's all so overwhelming. However, It usually is when you care about someone.

I wait for the food to arrive before I speak up.

"I'll be back give me a second," I mention before stepping out to the restaurant's terrace. Ahira nods at me before digging into her risotto.

The moment I open my phone, Dad calls me again. I answer it quickly "Hey Dad, I'm sorry I couldn't answer back I-,"

He speaks in Greek, his accent is thick and booms through the speaker "What do you think you're doing? Have you seen the news? Your face is plastered everywhere!" 

I massage my temples before trying to calm him down "Dad, it's fine. The event went smoothly." 

"It's completely fine? My only son fooling around overseas is fine?" He pauses halfway through his lecture before continuing in a softer voice.

"These distractions could halt your treatment plan. Son, it's nearly over please don't waste it all. If you relapse, there'll be nobody to take care of the company. I'm sure you don't want your cousins to take it do you?" He asks.

"No. But-," he cuts me off once more.

"And with an Imani? You know our families barely meet eye to eye. William is the sole reason why our company isn't reaching our full potential. You know how many clients he's stolen from us?" His voice rises in volume once more.

I want to interject but nothing gets through to Dad when he's like this. He's always had to hustle his way to the top. Sometimes, I wish he knew that not everything needs to be a competition. Us and the Imani's work at the same capacity and make virtually the same finances. But, he can't handle being beneath another. Mother says he had a rough childhood but he never speaks of it himself.

"Son, I'm not forcing you to do anything. However, do you even think you guys will last? I saw that video of her letting go of your hand. You'll only get hurt in situations like those," he finishes.

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