What is it that they were hiding?

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Daenerys already has grown Dragons by season 1 (her timeline is pushed back to make her older than she is in the show, so here she is two years older than Jon and Robb).
Jon is not a Targaryen, he is Ashara Dayne's son with Ned Stark
Ned and Catelyn were not in love as they were in the show (because of the way she treated Jon)
The story begins a bit after the Red Wedding, the past will be explained in flashbacks.
Roose Bolton didn't betray the Starks here, only Walder Frey. (I have plans for him for later)
Renly is not dead yet.

This is Ned Stark/Daenerys Targaryen. If you're not a fan, you're welcome to leave, no one is forcing you to read this.


Chapter 1


The wind blew straight into his face as he stood with one hand around his wife.

He stood and watched a scene take place, that he thought he would never see again.

Once again he felt closer to Winterfell than he has in the past couple of years. All the memories of his father executing deserters from the Wall and other criminals flooded his mind. He once again felt like a little boy.

It was the first time he felt like this since he was crowned King of the North.

He missed the feeling, he truly did. But after years of war, and dozens of men's lives he has taken, he hated the feeling.

But it seemed that this feeling wouldn't go away anytime soon.

There was only one man capable of making him feel so small. And that man stood in front of him with a sword in his hand, ready to execute traitors.

He was happy to see the man. He thought him dead, but there he was looking more alive than he has in years.

Robb pulled his wife closer as his father, Eddard Stark, placed the tip of his new sword on the green grass of Riverlands, right beside the chopping block.

Walder Frey's head was pressed onto the chopping block, clearly shivering, and murmuring something about mercy.

Robb exchanged a look with his mother and then his sister Arya. The girl arrived at Riverrun a few days ago with a Baratheon bastard, and the Hound, of all people. The last time he saw her she was wild and loud, now she was quieter and carried a weapon at all times. She was always near the Hound somehow finding his company enjoyable. She spoke with vile words, which clearly indicated that she spent too much time in the company of badly behaved men.

He snapped out of his thoughts when his father spoke.

"In the name of Daenerys Stormborn of house Targaryen, rightful queen of the Andals, and the first men, protector of the Seven Kingdoms, mother of Dragons, and breaker of chains, I Lord Eddard Stark, sentence you to die."

He didn't even let the old man say his last words as he swung the sword and cut the man's head off with one clean cut. A quick death, more than Walder Frey deserved.

His father handed his sword away to some squire and looked up to meet his eyes.

Now that he looked into his father's eyes he noticed once again that something was different, ever since he came back to Westeros with the Dragon Queen. His eyes were no longer quiet and peaceful, but rather wild and filled with passion and sometimes anger.

He even heard his mother say that he now had the same look in his eyes as his older brother Brandon.

Robb noticed that Arya didn't even flinch when Walder Frey lost his head, no, she looked almost happy with a slight grin on her face. Further proving that she changed.

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