A Meeting and Some Harsh words

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I apologize for the lack of actual Dany/Ned content....


When she heard her daughter speak, her heart broke. She knew that her kids wouldn't be the same after the war, but a small part of her hoped that things could be as good as they were before it all happened. She wished that her family would be together once again.

Her husband was back, her eldest son was alive, her daughter was alive, and they were together. But her other daughter was still a hostage, and her youngest sons were dead.

She would give anything to see her family together and alive once again, safely in Winterfell.

But it was too late.

She would even be happy to see Jon. She hated the boy, but he would bring some sort of familiarity, some normality to their lives. But he was at the Wall, unable to help the family.

And she blamed herself for it. Perhaps if she hadn't been so hateful, the boy would be beside Robb. Fighting by his side, keeping him out of trouble.

No matter how much she hated Jon, she couldn't deny that he was more responsible and careful than Robb. Always quiet and thoughtful, not wild.

How she wished she could go back and fix everything...

But it was too late. And now all she could do is pray and hope for the best.

After the awful dinner she closed herself in her room and tried to think of what to do next.

Being alone, brought all sorts of thoughts into her head.

She felt as though she couldn't trust Daenerys Targaryen. But the young Queen saved her son and her husband, even though Starks were enemies of Targaryens.

Something was wrong with Ned. He never hid anything from her, but now it seemed as though he was constantly keeping something from her. He stayed by the queen's side. She supposed it was because he served her now, and she saved him. But the longer she looked at the two, the more shady thoughts came to her mind.

At first she didn't see it. Of course she didn't see it. Afterall half of the men in their army looked at her with distrust, while the others with that look that Ned had.

It was a mix of amazement and desire.

At first she threw these thoughts out of her mind, but then she noticed that he was distancing himself from her and their son. And then she saw him execute the traitors. He looked as wild as Brandon did when fighting. It wasn't bloodlust. It was the thrill to kill someone. The feeling of might when they overpower their opponents.

Ned never had that woolfish look in his eyes, and they have been married for 18 years. But ever since returning from Essos, he constantly had that glint in his grey eyes.

And it bothered her.

But she didn't dare question him. Because she knew she would only get more lies.

When the Queen asked for a private meeting with Robb and her, she was surprised. The dragon queen didn't seem especially fond of her son, and didn't bother spending too much time in his company.

Then she mentioned heirs. And everything became even more suspicious than before.

The time for the meeting with the Queen came quickly after dinner and a guard came to escort her.

Robb and Ned were already there, alongside them was Ser Barristan, and her uncle.

She took her seat beside her husband and they all waited quietly for the Queen.

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