Marriage Arrangements

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Alright, finally wrote an actual Dany/Ned chapter. And as much as I would love to write more of that, we need to see what's happening in King's landing. So this will be told from Sansa's point of view, when she finds out her father and family are alive and now fighting alongside a Targaryen Queen.

I don't particularly like Sansa as a character, but I feel like she had potential to be an actual good character, yet the show writers ruined everything with season 6, 7, and 8.


Ever since she was forced to marry Tyrion, she has found herself hating King's landing a bit less. She now had a friend. Someone who was almost as hated as she was. At least she had someone to talk to, she even found herself smiling a few times in his company.

The name Lannister protected the two of them from others, however it couldn't protect them from Cersei and her cruel son.

Margaery was kind to her, but she spent all her time with Joffrey.

Sansa noticed that the Tyrell girl was simply manipulating Joffrey. Just as was her Grandmother. The Queen of Thorns. She spoke boldly, and didn't try to hide her hate for the Lannister family and King's Landing.

It comforted Sansa to know that she wasn't the only one who hated this tyrannical family.

Now she sat beside her husband, as Joffrey sat at the head of the table, while Cersei and Tywin sat at Joffrey's right side. It was supposed to be some family breakfast, however every person at this table hated the others. Which is why instead of smiles and light conversation they were exchanging glares and bored looks.

It almost amused Sansa to know that she had something these people didn't. A loving family.

Or at least she used to.

This war changed it all. And there was always a chance that her family might not survive.

The thought scared her. That was the reason why Tyrion never talked to her about family. In exchange she never asked him about his own family. She knew that he cared about his family, even Joffrey. However they all seemed to hate him. Almost as much as they hated her.

Sansa looked around. Tywin Lannister was glaring at Tyrion and Cersei who were drinking. As though they had a competition of who would drink more. Cersei was glaring at her. Joffrey looked bored while a cruel smirk adorned his face. Tyrion was ignoring his father and Joffrey. And she sat there quietly eating, afraid of what might happen next.

The last breakfast she attended, Cersei threw her cup full of wine after a particularly snarky comment, Joffrey screamed at Tommen who accidently dropped his fork.

Everyone clearly remembered that event, as everyone chose to sit in silence.

Suddenly a servant burst through the doors. Everyone turned to him.

"Pardon me m'lord, one of our spies has just sent a letter from the Riverlands. It is about Robb Stark."

Tywin Lannister sat up straighter while Joffrey smirked.

What happened to Robb? What happened in the Riverlands?

Was her family dead? Or did they win another battle?

She didn't let herself be hopeful as she watched Tywin read the letter.

The older lord shot up from his chair.


Joffrey looked up at him.

"What happened? Is the traitor dead?! Do they have his head?!"

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