A Hard Choice

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Merry Christmas I guess...

(Daenerys Targaryen)

They were playing a dangerous game.

Not the game of thrones. No, the game of thrones would kill many people. But this game would break hearts and destroy families. And all for what?

Something as simple as love.

Love between two people that should have never even met. Two people who were never meant to be together.

He was a man with a family and many children. She was the rightful Queen of the seven kingdoms. And it was wrong.

However that didn't stop them from loving each other.

She was a selfish woman. She took what was hers with fire and blood. And she didn't pretend that it was otherwise. So every night after dinner, she would find her way to her lover's tent.

Those that knew of her relationship with Ned Stark tried to dissuade her. They tried to tell her that it was stupid.

The problem was that she already knew it was stupid. But she didn't care.

She cared about her birth right, her children, and Ned. The man who didn't see her as some reward, or conquest. He saw her for who she truly was. An exiled princess with ambitions. A broken woman trying to help people.

Some days she felt bad for loving him. He was an honorable man. It almost felt like she ruined him. She didn't deserve his love.

Suddenly she heard a quiet sound behind her back, the covers on her bed shuffled as she felt a warm hand on her shoulder.

She opened her eyes and rolled onto her side to face the man that lay by her side.

It was not long before sunrise, and soon he would have to leave. But until then she would savour every second of peace and quiet with him.

He brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. She let herself smile when he pulled back. She placed her hand on his cheek.

She stayed like that for a few seconds, simply looking into his grey eyes. They always seemed mysterious to her. They could change from emotionless to happy to angry to sad in mere seconds.

He smiled softly as his hand slowly went from her shoulder to her waist and pulled her closer to himself.

"Do you regret it?"

She froze for a second, confused at his question.

"Regret what?"

Ned's smile disappeared.

"Destroying my family?"


Her new maid dropped the wine jug.

Daenerys' eyes flew open, and she realized it was a dream.

She sat up in her bed. Alone and cold.

The maid was whispering some apology and trying to clean up the wine. She paid her no mind. Instead she tried to forget the dream she just saw.

No. It was no dream.

A nightmare.

She grabbed her cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders. They have travelled south, yet it was still too cold for her liking. Especially after spending years in the hot sun across the Narrow Sea.

The maid hurried out, while she stood up from her bed and started preparing for the day.

Today they would arrive at Lord Renly's camp to negotiate. They already agreed that he would bend the knee and retain his title as Lord of Storm's End. Once he swore fealty to her, they would discuss the future of the war with Lannisters and Stannis Baratheon.

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