The Ugly Truth

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We're in for a sad chapter from Catelyn's point of view. 

(Catelyn Stark)

Waiting for news was dreadful. And whenever news came, opening the letters, and never knowing what to expect was even worse. Ever since the rebellion she never thought she would have to sit at Riverrun and wait for news of her husband to reach her. Whether it was news of his victory or death.

But then The Greyjoys rebelled, and once again she found herself sitting anxiously and waiting for any news of the war. At least her children were safe, by her side in Winterfell.

This time, two of her sons were already dead, one daughter was a hostage, and the other one was already traumatized. While her eldest son and her husband were fighting a war. At least the two of them had each other.

Some days she blamed herself for this war. She stupidly believed Lysa. Her sister who was never clever or had a clear mind. Then she imprisoned Tyrion Lannister and almost had her husband executed. She blamed herself for being so stupid, and acting rashly. Perhaps her sons would still be alive...

Whether she blamed herself or not, there was no time to dwell on it. The war was moving along quickly, battle after battle, giving them no time to rest.

But what did they expect when they marched against Tywin Lannister? One of the best military commanders of Westeros.

And who did they have? Honorable Northerners, the Blackfish, and Roose Bolton. The man was a power hungry, bloodthirsty sadist, but his quick and sharp mind served them well against the Lannisters. Clearly it was not enough.

However with the arrival of Daenerys, everything changed. Suddenly they had more allies than ever before and three grown dragons that could roast thousands of people. Suddenly they were no longer the losing side.

Stannis was still an issue, but with Renly willing to bend the knee to keep the Stormlands and end the war, they united almost all the seven kingdoms. Also with Daenerys, even the Dornish could be swayed to join their cause.

It has been two weeks since her husband rode out to war once again. He would once again lead his men into battle. But opposed to what happened during the rebellion, he would be fighting side by side with Targaryens.

This time when Ned rode out, he didn't have a sad look on his face. But rather a look of confidence. He reassuringly looked at her and bid her farewell before joining his men. He was not afraid of war anymore. He was not afraid to battle his enemies.

She supposed the reason was that he actually saw a purpose in this war. It was not his duty to fight by Daenerys' side. No, he fought for her willingly. He chose her as his Queen.

And he would die for her if he had to.

There was no regret in his eyes. Only determination.

It reminded her of when she saw him once again at the Red Wedding. When she thought he was dead, he showed up, looking more alive than ever before.

The way he cut through men, like a wild wolf. The Freys scattered away like scared rabbits. He killed them all, even those that surrendered. He was clearly too lost in the fight and rage he felt towards those who wished to harm his family.

She has never seen him fight so viciously. He didn't even look like himself. He was Brandon reborn. For a second she even thought that it was Brandon that returned from the dead instead of her husband.

She had never been happier to see him. The moment Ned put his sword down and blood dripped off it onto the floor, just like sweat dripped off his forehead, she ran to his arms. To ensure that he was in fact real and not a dream.

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